The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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1 If It's Results You're After Call FR 9-3711 Herald Classified BEDROOM rartly FUJIL is yostly rN 6-1950 "I Rented The A The First Mornina Before 8:30 Excellent Results" Reported Sol Better 121 DIE MIAMI HERALD Tussday 31 1917 IMMihMilMMO 152- HELP WANTED-MALE 152- HELP WANTED-MALE 153- HELP-MALE OR FEMALE 154- SALES HELP WANTED 52- HELP WARTED-MLE 52- HELP WANTED-HALE PitOTO tOUO011 tiqtAlt poopie (IOW to salt41 work 157 I rth St 58- WANTED POSITIONS-MALE COLORED but usr hbobemach chauffeu PL -6397 59-WANTED POSITIONS--MALE FEMALE COLORED BOY mrPmbrewthl Amor Plprrh Pontoi 1-suncir 99 Ith St r- door Can You Qua lif 210)(ooK Amho 44141416M MO Pim-ammo blvd WAAHINel stiarhino rntenante 1- ov rent re) ortir SICK) Woit Anvil 1a(itiOni Lton DtsprAy win dna Wbeisn Drusa 239 28tn FUR deoendshis domestic heip for household tali Ku Personnel FR 9-2438 001111 11 houtthnld all Ku Peraonnel FR 9-243E pop that nr In nortututy that come' to every good Palesman but once 7011 eel melt and wou)d hits the chance COUPLE exceotinnaL excellent tank a aa'aa huAnand man duum very you nutnand cinema mini autiga Ai 161h 1 AN1 bookkeeper Conuction eNp*rnre North Vera require your on tratlapc)rt fition hr dr- onrtUriii Write Brief Resume to tog W-I38 Herald ROOK KfiEPPR 5 Mkt V150 Apgar Agent 3641 17th Ave MAINTaNANCE MECIIANIrIg 1A! It ItANI) '10018 ItEFttl0ERA1104 10 51(X) WKIY EMPIOVMENT XettArstia 611 ClIAMFIElt Or CUNIMERC11 MIX) J4 tL 31tI) AVE TNAINKE credit roan high AMON Orad S775 plug exPenkeg Apgar Agency 22b Cariaing Bleu 6 6b I25th bl korth Miami Jr Bookkeeper lAUOft xperiencori part-t I 'PIANIST experienced bilt tram permit's le a a I a Mar-Vett I ea C3i1 A RI 8-54h2 Cleaner 3498 8 Elh 8t COUPLE to take over i RETIRED MA new modern dub for civic DRAWING andel security ariehirr imeetinsa and other finctions Kitpieexant clerIcal office sore Lo rhen comriete fnutpned Patel keep OCC1131Pd I lent 'oration No inveximent nves A MARTIN isary MtiAt have rookine and bait4104111 kit UN 81495 Ohl experience (live foil particu--- lam for intrview wrIte BOZ 635 BEACH BOY Little River Staticn Miami HAIRORPRSFR Vim Poe total IsEMMANPrr ranerieeic not nee- BeitUtl Salon PSIttl Mtilit 1" atrola laimmerii Selarr nlua tine 13 irnmenn Hoiril BOOKKEEnalt or biller for SurIfith and Collins At for Marty rOURtill Senhamatle machine Per-Do no phone lengthen! Wition Wildale Liquor Co 0 Boa 445 FIW Branch BOY BETW1F1 19-73 YPARS TO Miami 47 ria WORK AROUND MMEL MUST 0 FiN NEAT AND LIVE IN Vvill1E FR 3-9513 DRAPERY OPERATORS OPERATORS AIRLINE Ticket And Operations Agen tS PAM EDI A TT anon fro Aye hio hoof retinum oil Imo tr el leMhIP or the expetitiot Apply 9-12 2-4 National Airlines nth Apply kS men Working for YOU YOu owe it t) Yourself to ef if you can natlry Ak tnk Mr Arrow it 2343 8 22nd 8t JALCO AWNING HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 10' ABOVE DE ALER 8 COT ON ANY NATIONALLY ADVEPC TIED APPLIANCES FTDDINO FURNITURE TV'S HI 4-1549 4 4 HOLLLYWOOD beide 818 oclete 69 NAV 27tn Ave Re Smart Sheds 8w'el Name Brand Appliancet Builders Outlet Specials Automatic Cackler 1051 WhiriP001 C1144 i 958 MaY 14 IF44nrf'teRg Refrigerator Specials I Norge 2 Cu Ft Freezer )) hve 1 1011-3 Seib Dont 513 4 Admiral 11 Cu Ft $179 Philco 2-door Automatic $269 AU' Conditioners SPegia: 1 Mice 1 HP Reverse cycle VII iEmerson 4 HP reverse cycle 510 'Emerson 1 HP Reverse cycle $19 Range special New 38" in Factor Crates sacrifice Sti5 MANY lkirire bargains Come COM pare We service what we sell Open 9-9 10196 NW 7111 Ave COST PLUS 10 Box W-128 Beraa BUSINESS tent enuple would like to gat Into motet maratement work References Pia 9-370o 1326 110th St MOTEL manager man wife team 10 gears experience 141 64120 COUPLE dependable wishes Ant caretaker in church Lease Apt PR 9-1227 S2 PER hour for canvassing Pius commiesion pair weekly No experience necesaarv Apple In per-eon 9 to 12 noon aaa Mr Wood 921 210 Ave Hollywood 55- WANILD-AGENTS VSTIMATOR 5 DAT H1014 Alnat AincY 34A1 14W Iltia Ay NFW LOCATIOV NW nth bt 4uet olt Ledeurs Pd pd EDUCATIONAL TABLE HANDS EXPERIENCED 6- TUTORING Carpenter Foreman FOR A I ARCII irtiMITY ROMP IN PT LA 111117111)Ai NTEADy JOB 000n rAy ONI IIINIFNI11) MAN NH() CANT KtI APP1 PTIA 'cry ikc ANTI NAI-i ANY TF II IA RITE BIM 14 PDX 94 tr LAUDEIIDALL I PABFBIPNCFn Pitys roan 11 antrento iiAtautani 111 34505 MIPTIPRIA Int (Irsnort Pemi PAW 11Brt PM "ANAL In Btu gyros Blvd 1 tom liAl a I ed I "I 'ALL a I 1 -4505 1 no 1 69 1 GIRCV) DI 31-1-1 ST Furniture Annitances consumers Purchasing Mart 3800 8W 8Th St El 3-7413 SPFCIA1 IST in math and science PL 4-7372 Mr Wright 4 ADFLPIII Business and Tutortne Schools 35th sear Bre ad nage 582 book PL 4-8254 LICSNSED teacher All elementary lush school subSecta 1-9140 QUALIFIED tutoring slow a backward AtUdenta myen attention Phone CA 1-1496 MATH physics high school college bY NYU ersouste MU AA-- MUSICAL HELP Unusual 0 pporfunity OrrNTNCt TN LAROF LA PT onownvo c11svi Frol 110' viAN wHo NEVIS Thi BE QiInrMENIF BE AvY moNrt FXBFRIFNct NK aCkkariorm): F191 1 BONDAPI JUN wri CcotwriNG on BOOK KEEFINO r17 cAr BILE OF SUJIRvi6iNel 11 ri If ANT) extisN'IN(1 Pt 8- IC AND WILT NO TO wcmtc ANTI CiROW WI 1-1-15 rANY wHrr Fon I Nri IFW BRIEFLY I ATINU VCATION iI(PFUIFNUF' l(F- F-FRENCF5 AND PHINININ(11 SA LA 11 QUM ALL 71AL Box 1118 HERALD anted' itt Iltrt etrida Morn bon paeit4 71S Contst pay a 11)er Shp Boa 671 ialanynon rla Phone 4212 'TRY baker Itherfd an Plat shop 519 414t EL LOCAL delivery men refetneee mttet hon Pith ard II no thone talk apple Fan Coot riherlea Jen toiler POUBFMAN permanent amentomberaci Vht or eonracL (Fonel coo and al Motes bmall modern home tor Metneeet man Private room and both Only trained etatoonteleerd Write tut eloWO employment nest 10 year' dutiea marital Oat ua ate ephnne number returriothie brio to to not phone or call In pereon Wes Potent 29 Pan American Band Bide BAR)FR el expereneed A tent Community Parnerahnie 1131de tothlis A 7-9448 clFRK avplat Ming an $4 Of all for Mam BeZ lealreh office 34t permanent togrient bee Int set areneec and ha Intereated In entpd rue prn5 good future for Tient Dila Appv p11011110 234 At a ra Corsi nanial IAXI drivers tuli ilMe trood MU 1-botA IPAPFRIFNCro tire aervit man aver 2140 Wet ha neat rue iah eetereprel Good OPI mine iiIhI 'rat 6142 Ave AUTOMOBILE tearina Compane noltien opportunity Unitmited arninas and eommiaalOn raated EAST fry rooks near round work 13Antinni annnta Arneritan Tann! Oak il Neatancaliall) 8-0194 trotfl grtod Ateacig lob CII7 Ball 785 25th kit his Shop Delray CH 6-4601 c------ FACTORY men drill DrPsa punch press let Eg imssembleia pack ern Spanish Spcakinz anti shinpers ar11 train rename men PART I ME MEN PERS NNEL 401 Lanfo grd Slog BROILER COOK start i75145 wiS4 PER hour 4 hours a dila' 5 kmpl 523 bug day a WPrit COMMISSIOn clic 125th St necessarv CRii Ng 4-7792 for an enEorT TRAINEE NATIONAL coMPANY S70 s- 5EXPERIENcE1l Man to manage I) A EMPLOYMENT EX-I chain of storm Must knnw laun- ry ad dry cleaning bilaine sa In- CIIANOE 611 CHAMBER or ('OM-side and out Knowledge nt all MEliCh BLDG 141N LIME AVE 4 Mimes of management inventory RAINFIC EXCELLENT MOH Personnel Etc Box 1-181 Herald Amer Agency 3641 ELW 17th Ave I 4 ----4 alt0E repairmen S65 guaranteed SHIRT auditor oceanfront motel rt000-In Shoo PonalI 2366 NW a tranacnpt experience 62nd St NE 5-5585 hourEll PM to 4 A Amoy 4 112 A to SI El Sombrero 174th and CoLlris Al PORTERS HAIR atyliq eljlert ontv Anth- ony At Mar! Beauty Simon lo POItTESS REEDrn roft elated 310-72nd Si UN 6-4620 FULL TIME WORK AT wow) sALES trainee national PURDINES 163RD Err firm 5100 week expenses FIORE APPLY 10 A Apgar Weiler Canaille Bic 10 12 NOON prnaoNNEL 666 I25th EIL Hartki Miami OFFICE 163RD BT BARRER 'mune American family trotfl grtod At elteil Mb CIIF Rail Shop Delray CH 6-401 71151IMMVPIATE OP1111111 In our se-in counting deportment for a man yvith tricning In bocititeep-i Ing and accounting This is a ker-1 manent position offering excehent opportunity Many eintONe and beta- I1 S1 1 at Paid Iritekt)01111 immix' lump insurance Ple Ap-I Py it-12 I Indsiy Lomb r' ico 3t37 Nt5)7tit Ass I I Tv NatiVICEMAN with local ex anPPZirnet tnn salary 2935 14Wli 2221dAvo Tropics 1V 1 MAN sIngla Knonledge outboards tor boat rental Dads test dent I 5-2755 8AIAPPLIN SCle reir mechanic 'X- Pettenced man as assilttil Ithd Prtlitli electric appliance also: Snooleriss of TV Apply 1510 Alton Kti t------- MEN 0114 75 to 45 for service ttendant and tt sec- Ttions Psperienco not 14sriSO Opportunity tor ti antemenk PI at b2r1 8 Dixie kiwi And 1187 Bien a txrrymr10-TD ell ground BerTiff station mon Good satarr 2100 Salsedo (labia SSFRVICII station attendant Per manent job tnr xperiened allMund man 6645 NW 27th Aye WANTED Barbers ill guaranteed rear round lob Ideal lierbori 16111 and Washington HlterriTREI for Orinite nowt gams! Peppy' Orange Boos 10 A14 Wed BANIIER wanted rrmitnnt etn1 First chair 70s 2143: Pl lin Are Across street from' fteaboard depot 1 FAT a IIII rke MWP must hive aril service experience Refer- i 01101 and t)(1)T1011C0 in letter re-' top salitrY boa J-lia litt-i 4-- COLORIST and hat stylist Experienced on)" need UN 6-1284 Elizabeth Salon E2CrERIESCFO White counts (mood cool hut ier-housemam some driving Oeneral housework 2 OWL' SUITIMPT1 north Good salary and home References JE 8-5707 COUPLE to live nd work en truck farm Children accepter! Apply at larm South end Bartell Rd Dave or 622 2i'21 107th ft Miami atter 6 PM 1 1 BANJO -trom Inner Plolchft ArtiO FL 9-0894 AIRCRAFT A MECHANICS BECUM ap bgent tot Bader Brothers Inc E-L 1905 Loral long distance moving and storage Call George Bauer MU 8-2511 or write 4499 yph Ct Hialeah Fla 57-WANTED POSITIONS-FEMALE FOR top kers call Trained Personnel FR 9-4733 4 OFFICE emergency' Call FR 3-54'12 for a "KELLY GIRL- Guertin-teed abIlIty W's par salary taxes 1OUARANTEED DAT WORKERS Si 8 hours No grumbling 50c fare Bib? Pr8 tive-in or our maids Mrs mac Reliable Service JE 8-8787 4 REPINED companion to lade experienced in nursing will lease city Box W-120 Herald WANT housekeeper position for 1 person Box W-136 Herald BABY sitter Permanent resident reliable Phone 2-1015 A-- BABY Ritter Eves lefirldie aged Reliable Yiddish speaking SW land Gables HI 8-8007 INTELLIGENT mature woman would like work in congenial home Experienced with children and capable of full charge of home Prefelably business or working People Box W-129 Herald SECRETARY Real Estate Etc Permanent resident J8 2-2215 'RELIABLE halt sitter mature DRY or Eves NE 4-0803 SECOND meld waitress 550 week Box W-131 Herald 69- INSTRUCTIONS SEWING machine surplus st et liquidation Neccht raft Atlas Etc Fantastic Values ER 9-5511 4 CABINETS tnr Singer ethers new S1750 3442 Ith Ave WASHERS Automatic and Wringer S20 UP Mavtat Bales Service 598 54th St 1-9747 itERRIGERATORsj used GUereb teed- 101 NW ith Ave 9-9 3 ROoM8 of furniture S194 51 Sheldon Furniture 121 79h St PI 4-1863 open Elea Eh terms REFRIGERATOR stove washer Gas seater Gag fireplace TV Brother sewing machine vacuum cleaner end tables crib clay pen Etc 3440 NW 7th Ave NE4-6661 LINOLEUM! on) MILL ends viols size ruse en! remnants Armstrong Mobtag Gold Seal at cut-rats prices aa low as 60'4 Mt Trail Rug Mart 5537 ilth St LOOKING for a naresin? Rettig ratrux stoves washers pp end used Call MO 6-9012 6690 Bird Rd 4 ELEcTRoLux with Vert' wan teed $15 470 62nd St rsevtrIT AT? orr41qns MIAMI FLA BASIL WNW FOR THI1 MASSEUR end masselpe Hollywood Beach Hotel Solarium AD-ply in person HAND brie framer and operator 1351 NM 29th Bt COOK smell hotel dining room live In must hey health card notice card references Phone manater WI 7-5631 PARTS MANAGER EXPERIENCFD men for 'amnion detainment to "oat 4 10 PIA to I A Only fxprineed tool) miter 9 A Tues or 'lours 'unman Coro 14100 Bineayn" Bivd AIRLINE OF THE STARS CHni'SUR rxvoqence rtPtPrred --COLLECTIONS Lint I-My-and Bonus Pi lin Paid vs-PARKING garago attendant 25-451ration excellent working condianite 12 Midnight to 8 A tutiona Write Sox 71 Station A St dye week $200 Per month Florida State peak exinerence required Sonar 126 8 8' pmlence income relerences And 2nd Ave enclogo photograph ACCOUNTANT TR AINrE MO 4- Amer Agency StAl XV? 17th Age ArtenrrEcT or senior draftarran $'20' '0" m'oun rit" 1341 i PPlo'rid'a' Fri't'al'ir or'n A e'x': 1'71pence required APPly 126 ICE' perience incctme relerences and 2tid Ave enclose photograph ACCOUNTANT TRAINEE MO Ansar Aunty 3641 NW 17th Ave ARCHTTECT or senior draftsman 5 n4 40 hour week totatine xhitte cart Ina rite Shift No 1 $2 19! atingiM 19I No 2 $226 aid No 3 $231 WE NEED PAIn VACATIOm SycK LEAvE -vs 'gutted std CAPABLE trained fxnerieneed woman local rotcreo'ea gesir es management small Apt building Box W132 Herald FRIGIDAIREEI ALL SIZES NOTHING down $5 nvulth Ina 0E Norge and WestIrghougo $45 up fa*g era guaranteed Marks Boys 151 79th St LIA' SIMPLIFIED MANUAL QUESTIONS answers arithmetic on real estate Salesmen $IO Brokers $20 REAL ESTATE EXAMS PRIVATE instruction morning afternoon night by former executive of largest real estate emoting in the south Your inquiry invited without obliaation ARTHUR WISE CPM 3620 SW 20th St HI 6-2664 HI 4-1330 ESTABLISHED 1946 REAL ESTATE rx AM counsm 4 WAITING Waltera PL 9-6157 Pt 1-4877 REALTY BOARD EXAM SCHOOL Mon Wed Fn 7 to 10 PM S50 FR 1-8527 Dr Carlucci Dean WHY Lail Real Estate Exams? Prepare the modern way rilnriling afternoon and evening ciasses Bertha Veit WI 7-4661 Member 341ami Chamber of Commerce MIAMI BEACH REAL ESTATE EXAM SCHOOL FOR STATE LICENSE S50 INcLums all the instruction you may need Cecilia Brooke 1543 Wash Ave UN 6-7527 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE MAROUA Federal Tax Consultant 7906 NM 7tb Ave Pb 9-0563 ACCOUNTANT A-I fax expert prepares all Federal returns HI 3-1234 A BRESLEY neome Tax At your home busines or 1485-A South Miami Ave FR 9-5358 4 SHORT FORM $2 LONG FORM 55 UP ROBINSON lEx Revenue Agent) 2248 SW 8th St HI 4-7183 Co Federal Tax Consultante 5965 8 8tb St MO 7-8816 NATIONAL AIRLINES Phone rollection work 00oci sni iy MAN or woman exnerienetti tole- Permanent 6ee Mn Temple in person Only tincksons 29 NM 10th ht 4-- MAN an wife teliele good PIM local experience Top and pope Fishtnit CAMP MalltrlOri INrOlIMATION CTERK TRAINEE' bonus to man instilled Boa 2-142 481b I A prefer 40-SO Herald veers ptart 560 Miami EMPloY- INSURANCE Convaagera heeded meat 5i3 NE 125th St POOL man Wanted Room 8 s125 per hour and UP Apply board plus xalary ADM Ocean 4 to 12 noon 2343 8 22nd Pt UNSKILLED Rote! 20!) PE 12th St PLACEMENT Clerk will train PLASTIC extruder mechine opera- Trained Personnel Slervice 327 INDUSTRIAL JOBS tor trainee age 18-25 NE 1st Ave BM 204 PLANTS FACTORIES YOUNG man truck driver ware- NE WCOMERS WELCOME house and stock experienc WHITE ouple at once cook Walt- SI 2S an hour to S179 Ilnbardware and plumbing suPPIles teas handymen for nice fish- ed i hour and pp Tim ling a hall Industrial Hot Ar Rubber Co Inc inn camp on the Keys Year round fiver 40 hours Day and 11 i 11 Miami Ave After 6 ncV Must be workers not drinkers shifts Employment Exchanae Call JIS 1-1870 iSalary $150 let month S200 2nd Chamber of Commerts Bldg 241i I month Room and board Good 3rd Ave EXPERIENCED Italian rook sten-itips Apply in Derton only PM 518 -t------------i dY all year oeratdoa tteAtau- ft 21st Bt 8 AM to 3 MANAGERIAL TRAINEEL4 rant 163rd Bt and IMICAY110 Blvd Fowler FOR department More chain MUST BK EXPERIENCED in de- PORTER for barber shoo munt COUPLE to mtinnae motel CC PArtilierlt litore field S75 to Meal be I a ti guarantee perieneerl National Employment with rood advancement onoortunt- UN 9583 Harding Ave 107 1st Ave 6-9424 FOR depertment More MUST DE EXPERIENCED in 444 PORTER for barber shop muat COUPLE to meneee motel Pg Pertinent titore Dem s75 to ottani be I a A guarantee nerionoott National Employment with good advancement onp UN 644 9583 Harding Ave rtunt- 107 1st Ave -92 now ron rAOTORIEM 11TAEEINO 10 A I 011014(1 E11014 NEED 40-50 111N MIER run pltnrn AND DR 111 Ansymni pAcntno ETC MO bxPkIIIFNrs 0 0 0 WORKINO CoN01110NR OVERTIME ARP HAIRE'S WILL TAKE 100ACOMPRfi CoME EARLY 110 TO Woltli BENI PrittioNNFT 130 2ntl Ave tram 'feu at romoana 'evertor atloiat ottotifirationa Axis 71 -3S and tearonttonal appearance Artrie LIX Ott 9 A te 12 I II only fte NCR Min Al UN S-2414 ker Intel helper Aorta 34 NO-lingual Ave 14 Vow Tnrk Bakelite Ina txrpftwpirpn ohm filet nev fere Iran (a matte ot 'tonere toin pro tttot too of isettes hoe In Niteroi Ctive rPritneP trferetlePL If expected and phone Box JrL2 5 lirrEtt tett-1 FRet otter 18 riltt iirrt work vet-liege end xtr lt ends ttio4td employee brnetita ottolY Cent I' OttaLro after 2 Plit ENTFRTATairR frq CIL I1 Ott nx torttot a otters novelty wilt Notifirl tips WA room Age neb bar let A opt trt orroon after rANPII Iloworr 1749 et Miami Are NWAV TriCATNIN Inth 81 Just off Leanne Pd IWANTEIS inner firivere a to 37 hour ehifte state chauffeurs lierns reontred Steady Work gond A only Ill I Elth St (Venetian Simian Service Y011atrt mon antra with fitures anti flood phone personality Vs-retina opportunity to learn buktOrkx 1 th WhOleMit if' COM Mtn It jMild have local references 0 hos 12 Stier Anne PXOSIIIFNCEIS navideon nrinting Pressman Nit or nart time 3444 davit 44fill) Sites ArCOUNTANT for ineomo tas tier 1 vtce Send reaume of experience to tieneral Tait bei vice 3123 NW Nit Mt SOFA beds S39 95 finest construetion Beautiful fabrics bargain ROSIN'S 5tA1 Sth StNE'W automatic Eir Ear sewing machine costs £299 StU 100- 3440 7th Ave BRAND NEW 1000 YARDS broadloom titling $6 95 value $3 88 ver yard 28 DINETTE sets 539 50 new for less than used RICHARDSON FURNITURE WEBS 636 NM 24th St Near 7th Ave Open Mon Wed EEL Eves WRINGER and automatic wash era S19 UP Want wringer washers 11254 NM 7th Ave PI 1-8113 a SACIIIIM cleaners 8 to $20 Sea them today 9502 NM 7th Avo UNCLAIMED LaYawsea 2 new tbr Sli2 rues at $18 Hollywood beds large Duo Therm beater $5 Kenmore range S50 mognavox Hi21 $IM 2200 NM 36th St USED stoves refrigerator Wash-cry TVs See Arr tne Jones 93 nuclei ER 1-4708 4 HollYwood bed S14 95 2007 NW 7th Ave Hollywood Peds 51750 3022 NW 62nd St CHILD rare light housekeeping 1 working parents HI 6-9838 EXCELLENT cook wsitress References $60 week ER 9-6852 4-- lade wants light 1 housekeeping and nursing excellent references Write details Box r3148 Herald 'IBM Her Punch Operator JE 8-2551 BABY sitting or c'mDanion NE preferred Pt 1-5420 ICOOK Housekeeper while exper ience S50 week FR 3-2966 FOR BEACH DAYWORKERS 'Cell Drexel Agency JE 8-6533 HOUSEKEEPER motherless or business couples home MO 5-7366 LP NURSE clnctor'S references Phone ER 3-24 PRACTICAL nurse experienced 'Mimi resident days preferred PL 4-2998 4 HOUSEWORK ER tell hie 9-5 $8 and carfare PR 3-5214 7 PM LADY wants room xtbanse bah sitting light work vicinity coiling or 71st St Room 46 after 8 PM FR 4-0322 4 SHO 4 RTHAND typing legal In the office will pick tin and deliver Phone PL 4-8712 4 COLORED MOH TYPE MATD8 DAY WORKERS NEAT Si ACE EMPLOYMENT FR 9-3607 COLORED experienced plaid general housewoia FR 2-5401 COLORED lady wants cla's or week A-I Iron clean FR 3-5998 COLORED experienced girl Wants days work NE 4-3264 4--- COLORED experience maid 5 dag 9-5 NE 4-1356 COLORED experiences laundress Dare work ironing NE 4-3026 MECHANIC INCOME tem bookkeeping a tize enyv here OPPTI evenings 1751 cord WRy HT P-3963 MASSAGE ties Apply 9 to 11 A isf and 2 tO 4-------4 4 st 2600 NM Mit Bt TRAINEE theatre management 54-- SALES HELP WANTED Opot Locks Age 45 to 55 Retired veteran -----t- or executive with administrative PICK-UP bad accounts No selling MESSENGER BOYS young temn- background Interested in deyelopd NVO collect Big Commiesions Adorary walk 6pyprol wok Call ine mature career Will a i nlivatment Credit Bureau 1508 Met- PR 3-5412 Hoeeell Kelly bervice- outilified candidates 'Oho can pass ropolitan Bank Bldg 4-- -----------4- aptitude tests Apply Personnel14 19 BENCH moo too notch only MIAMI DadP Mercury eading 5100 wee well OVOMPOCP4 an- alter 10 A i Mercury dealer in the entire bee MOO With good references 306 AAVO Jan 2o 3958 NORTH istate of Florida Now hoe openings Ted' TV Inc Ave COLOR Perrino Fla CZ 5-1131 6'-e ED utowgeta Too Dev aai Reedy all year ER 4-16 224 or 4 ambitious concientiong xaleamen for the showing of the t------ So Miami Ave new 1958 Mercury' Experience not EXPERIENCED wholevele In I I OOCOSMOry Will train Also need driver Anpir 7350 NW 30th Ave ACCOUNTANTS end bookkeenere two uPJ-car salesmen $ee IlarrY 4---------4- aeveral excellent with Klein 1f50 16311 St SHIPPING RECEIVING MERL leading public and private firme EXPPRIENCE0 IN ELECTRI- to S12500 APPROVED PERSONNEL CAL SUPPLIP Pt FOR 401 Langford Bldg The litureet Nem HoUSE PFIlitiANENT 00011 SA- 111 The Businese LARY TIFFFRIf NCES BrQUIRF11 WAITERS experieneed with Valli Ar PLECTRIC CO INC WEST ten food Pirctolo Restaurnt a PALM BEACH 13t Collins Ave mB THE BOOK OF Hon" food hpek- 1 DFNTAL technician plate finish- KNOWLEDGE 6 5250 Employment Hu- reau of CO 2312 Gables IToteeY 97 25EIttleelintaral But Station Bldg TU 7-3942 oehratnod P1'111r Life Time Security I High Income YOUNG man accounting It k- 4 Call for an appointment III 6-7633 ground know lettee navablee S77 oppIrm boy must have per minimum Bitatneve Prolessiona 81ad more eh I in WHOLESALE salesmen seleewom-1 Service 12E 8 IC 1st Ave coin Rd 9 to 5 due start en Dealer Cr builder experience $40 and cite exnense Onenings Miami and Fla Protect- WANTED 15 MEN MIAMI0137'M ErpaTMENT 3clavitilsrniton Nanyryl 7d4rtr St Bonny e--- AUTOMOBILE COLORED JOBS ACE MIENCY 127 IsT AVIE COOK experienced in Dalian (mt! ITIL Apply after 3 Vol- I entre Beataurent 1306 lth Ave CONPECTION saleeman ale MN? confection and eon drink lin! frond foinpit BY beneitte Apply 'Boulevard time In Theater 14311 Hier Blvd 'Der 6 PM SOCIAL Security pentioner as clerk Part tireko perrnanent ree-1 Meta Atrport Hotel 229 4 i 2nd Avc BAIIIIKR S60 truarentea year round 1116-16th Bt EXPERIENcYD tenon ermk atter' 3 PM 13914 7th Ava1 11EXPERIENcED playa men good salary Apple in vereon (ter-Arno ReWiilltanto Third Bt and triaravna Blvd A-1 iNSTALLATION ThAll fl dranpries rot-nitre and traverta rods 1PL 14538 OROCERY OFTICATERSEN experienced tiourmet 18146 Colima Ave Mit 'J3ANI11 pixel or full time 6338' 7th AVA ELI-9124 experienced In Italian! ftliNille Apply atter Resta41mM 1306 NW lth I Ave EXPERITNCED Matt manaser tor nationo1 restaurant Chain SLIM aRP onalitirattnna and salary remiiired In Oras letter Boa J-177 Herald ----t TOP notch bread baker Year round employment Balarit to start $22 a day Box J-119 Herald DOORMAN bell Imp roneession tree Motel xpertente UN 5-3731 ExPleRIFtqczr) mteIn table ketd trill man 3601 Miami Ave Buy Beds For Less Di rectFrom Factory Biscayne Bedding CLARIS LARSEN maesace esoinet bath SO NE 28th 61 FR 4-8300 Masgftir 388 84th St FL 4-2819 Dirgarts 4-- DOLORES Lee Niagara Massages 1427 NW 54th St PL 1-0090 Rose Dor Studio MASSAciE Colonies Oprn 10 AM 10 NE Id Age 1R 9-3167 SALLY TPRALL 2123 FR 41-413 Ars conditioned OTRALDA Health Center 139 01- raids Ave Gables H1 3-6676 LlitiLYN Martin 187Ft Flatlet Mon thru Sat hours 18 td EXPYSIIENCren collector end Palesman wanted toe Palm Reach Tarn un tn Sl'tn Per week "mud 1 eagle Mercantile (0 7th Ave and fith Bt NW COS'IlrMIC jewelry alnelt elerka Young intim 1 svelte einantsh for Wholehale )arellent minortunity for advancemenL Must be able to read and write 311 1st Ct 1ST MAteri electronice revairmen Sian taarting eater' Plus cheme for advancement no not Rind) nntraa von know your Mildness 'Hue is no st'hool A plc Thurs only Floater Nadia 1cOfi VV Flawler ACCOUNTANT traperienceS i Netional Food origatil7fttini1 Milst bP corn pelent ti tut expel tenvett tor prompt conalderation (leorge 8 Miller Pithily AccOUM ant a Bog 2452 Miami 15 ylk AUTO mechenic with tool Feronencra onlY 2660 $11W 31th Me YOUNO man Int olliottit Wane end willin to learn eteel end Oleirat) 'excellent opPorIunt Poe J117 Nereid STAT 1ST 'CAL ANALYST 15651 NW 171h Ave PL 3 PlEcE loam rubber sectieneL I like new S75 60 NM 27th Ave 4--- SEWING MACHINE closeouts Electric Singer-White otht a 59 75 full cash price others S10 240 Sinter blond console complet S34 50 6026 7th Ave or 4701 22nd Ave 4- SINGER blonde eonsole machine S35 FR 1-540e SALESMEN Miss Mark and Associatoa cabinet out calls 1-8 and Sun 2080 Bin frit 1-1252 Abbetta's WPM Bath 4302 NM 7th Av PI 7-0061 "(relit IlaVe Ittrent nM dettleothiP' oxporterice Excellent or i ng trondl lona and mitnineg emtilovet benefits April fiervic Nianagoth! onnor Brown Cadthee 1415i bth Avo Bt Lauderdale tic I Ittell to train ea hue orthoatethe Aae 23 to 35 Mettoth photocell fit Annie Coast coo coaches 10J4 2Bth 8L Bieleab DRAtiett BALFBM ONE of Moinit largest rittitte stole Must bp thorotion- ossoectenced in dtapertem most know pstimattne must et ettros tom otiportit nit go) end percentage '55' rite Bos 129 fiereld 11ZZ A Poker rail between 12 nonn to 3 136 Colima Ave a tit AK Hy twitter reteit expierionee 1 onto Moody it dam Bib otist St Miami Beech WNTPt' osopriereed Choosier Products front end abetment Sind polver steeling man Pli 9-6516 4 A JCIP rARviNco4 ot Iwo $E1000 ot ttiOre rer ither plus an income for retirement ten Pe made br execuitto type Men Whn etre will int to work one! follow Instritettono IMIter hp between age 21-i5S and to month resident nt thttio or 'Itrowerd 2 Near treining proce11111 Pita 1 nisht per telt at Collego at our expense a vallotstp eller 'Maude test tielsto commensurs ote with Qualifications Anniy in Person onlv vireetor of Menet etrest Ationtle Lite Ins Co 2nd Ave MIL 'BtrIClirtt expotieneed kitchen Cell noon to 3 Collin Ave 4ACERISINCED Mothers too pace tng house ISMICating 1 120 21st Teri 1 1 Z'OOK experienced Mellon kitchen Ceti noon tO 3 PIA 136 Collins Avo TO STAFF' our new Miami fee- 4--------- I tory branch Must be willing COLLECTOR salesman Esperienc workera adaptable to learning ex- ed installment selling Establishnerienrs not netessarr This is a eel route open for aggressive indtnertnanmt position With it large i vidual accustomed to earninati of corporation Must be Itt good I S500t) searts and more See Mr health Earning opportunity S43rts1Schwaris Rakers Dept artore 137 In $74 50 to etart roMMiSsiOn An- I Miami Ave ply Tues ol34 Flakier be LV00t1 9 30 to 10'00 A MANY CM" OPEN HOTEL HOTEL HELP! MINN NIXON ITOTEL PLACEMENT SERVICE NI Clerk high caliber 175 1 407 Ditele lat St FE 4-2694 Commonwealth Bldg 39 Night auditor to 75 NI Auditor 2 1 Maitre 'D Hotel TOps MANY O000 POSITIONS OPEN INT NIXON tnieortuRat'rdllerierctillybee'" (ITootpds SERVIng solid men room bird amo 407 Dade Commonwealth Bldg Rakers rolls pastry tiA 1314 1" Sk FR 4-26" Wattere-Caotaine Orie a78 Housem*n triertY live In S250! MEAT Counter man cs Cabana hove flWiM Iligh! 62nd St TO STAFF nur new Miami fac- 4 tory branch Must be willing COLLECTOR salesm selling en Experienc- workere outitotOblo to learning ex- ed installment Establian HAVE openings for several automobile nalesm en to aril the all new 1958 Chevrolet Applicants must be currently selling cars and be permanent resident of Miami for the lest 8 months Phone for appointment Mr Justice jE 1-0057 4 BRASSIERE) SALESMAN WANTED for North and South Catonna Georgia and Florida You can make more money carrying Carnival Brassieres Please contaet Martin Finklestein sales manager at the Algiers Hotel Room 520 LAnrEs oniv Mechanical massage Labelle Salon FR 9-6255 BLANCHE KEEL PL 44432 7a3o NW 5tt Ave tat 71) Magda's Copenhagen Studio DAILY Sun 10 to 8 43 SAW 6th Ave FR 4-4412 4 Luciz Salon 417 Oodfreg Rd (41st St) JE 8-7760 LADrEs only Mechanical Labelle Salon FR 9-6255 4- BLANCHE KEEL PL 4-9432 7a3o NM 5tis Ave tat 71) Magda's Copenhagen Studio DAILY am' Sun 10 to 8 43 SM 6th Ave FR 4-4412 4 ft alOn 417 Godfrey Rd (41st St) MAI JE 8-7760 massage'SEWING Machines must sell 75 Singer Whites and others from 513 50 77 Hialeah Dr (or 54th St) TU 7-6412 I DINETTE SET PAD DRYER WARDROBE LAMPS 'BRIO A BRAC large mahogany bookcase rattan table period sofa tilt back sofa mahogany trtrile dresser InsLITCE'S hogany secretary Rattan sofa and chair living room chairs bedroom I a Pieces Rollaway bed radio idave HR Ony RolidaYs Pen bassmette email pool table 1)4111We MaSSagel Portable typewriter Adding mat chine desk ironer washer re- Miracle manage frigerator range freezer weer 2373 Coral Way RI 4-1186 cooler push mower 3801 Bird Rd 4- HI 6-10 IHI 6-1960 DRY elystnor 1 pp worm 011Y 1 plround job exborienced only an Stir Cleaners 2343 t4 7th Ave COLORED hotel or houaernsid With ielerencea 4-6187 COLORED girls wants Melts Work PL 4-9243 COLORED experienced Ironer sad kola work FR 1-8116 4 COLORED woman wants Ironing or day work PLatis 8-1998 COLORED days won iron gleaning no cooking FL 0-3455 4 COLORED full or wort timo work PL 8-7380 PL 8-4088 COLORED want days or wart time experienced NE 3-220 4 COLORED good iron rick up and 1 delivery Pb 94639 COLORED want steady slays work Phone HI 8-8569 EARN BIG 1- lif I NI 1) i k1 COUNTERMAN NICK lookinir Tt vi xmortonre 6 flaTA CAa7t1t1 tiaSin 36Ih St NW MASSAGE Milfii0 9401 111914 17th Ave PL 9-6189 WHITE Rotary Cabtre Model i used 3301 19 LW 12t13 Ali JUDY ALLAN etaFociatea 121 11E '---------4 St Rro 711 FR 3-6964 3 RDDD tIttbak IRON ireig choice DISHWASHER 1 a inten anCe rlOd 1 Chefs and googg noen EXPERIENCED this hors Pictiolols Satieler 0 scicicil Restaurant 136 Collins Ave MONEY! Firet-secrUut rook Gnod '14' Elevator-beilbova tips Good 4 Bus bovadtshwasher 2 Oren some neat Intelligent and ag- "MANY OTHPII LIBTINOS" 4----Shoe Repairmen WE ABE expsndine and need gressive young men to round out "Nnoirs Finest' PFIlSONNELtroP nalarll APPIE Shen's City our sales staff Sales exnerience SERVICE! DO WN TOW 2(6 ----4 siestrable but not necessary since coNonEss BLDG 111 7N THEATRE doorman White adult I ll'e train you to eel! volume AVE OR LITTLE stIVER BRANCRI Negro theatre tinouestiona-11-figh commissions and liberal XI NI 79TH ibis local references Hour 6 to monthly bonus nian imidnicht 6 Oa Ye WeeklY Need own Se Mr Dollar JR ACCOUNTANT degree needed po tati A ly Personnel Between 1 and 5 PM to soco Etnployment Bureau of t3OrN ENliannit Avrafter 10 AM Anthony Abraham 231? Gables Station Bldg HAPPY NEW YEAR TYPIST bills frivoles Etc 5 davit Bob Davis Agency 43? Plaza Bldg CHEVROLET $65 1111011 1S Professional Ber vice 127 8 1st Ave COLORED boy experienced clean- Southwest Location trig and parking cars Bee door-- EUNICE DENISON man at Robert Clav Hotel 129 8 1900 RED ROAD HOTEL PERSONNEL 4th Bt No phone calls No Phone Calla Please 16" ALTON RD USHERS over le Sheridan Theo- i TEE 1 WEE1CB SALARY tre 410 Arthur Godfrey Rd M13 Ladies' Uniform Salesman Ladies' Uniform Salesman FLORIDA and $15 784 SE 8111 St Hialeah Fabrics! Fabrics! mA mges studio 54th St PL 9-3130 Open Eves Sun VOTINCI MEN prrwritm It A(iES Or 75 Mg!) 38 VICARS Jul! SACKORtilIND IN ECONOMICS STAT 011 MATH 1 YEAR LOCAL IMMOFNCY PFQUIRED EXPERIEN('rry PREPES I) PUT NOT INICCics SAM SFNI) tadRumr OF WORKINth ICS(NAL ANT) PiDUCA'FIONA! BACK(iTIOUND TO BOX 2-140 PART time door to door rtinVIIR Berg rfeded SI 75 Per hour SM Schnunemeit Bin 8 9 to 12 8163 NIL 2nd Ave FORT) narta IrcPtvinf clerk nt have Ford loiperience Apple Mr FRIA parts All Miami Motors 1550 Mtaml Ale MORT clerk tranArrint Beach rt perience no phone calla Abney lotrt 300-7Iet STOCK boi full time while A ply Army It Navy Dept Store 6301 NW 7th Ave PRY COOKS ANn Itpoltxpt APPLY BEADY FOR WORE IA'01EIFS 21sT 8T AND COLLINS 4 NICHT CLFRK experienced trim-et riot 7 dove no phone calls Tillany Rotel 801 Conine Ave AIRCRAFT COLORED short order cook Mini work MU 8-3639 COLORED girl vnntg Job 5 days a week Call NE 4-5137 1 LARcit closeout wooklY shipments MOO Yds 54" upholstery lane rit3 Values to S5 Yd Now 99e YrN 2000 Yds drapery fabrics 49e Yd Values to $2 Yd Fabric BRZaRt 1367 Miami Aye FR 9-679 4 COLORED maid Sti days Anne Green FR 9-7772 COLORED Neat girl wants days work 6 06 06 06 ISABELLE'S Salon 3502 Miami Ave ER 4-7718 Also Sum COLORED Swedish massage 1643 1st ct FR 4-3959 93- NURSING HOMES NURSING AIRWAY Convalescent Home permanent home for elderly nursing and eonvalescent persons 24 hour nursing care Registered ourSPg linsPectiOn visits welcomed 789 13ill Ave Miami FR 3-0759 COT ()PM dem good PRY All-fly klitli Cafeteria 4451 16th St TIZZ A Man wIth knowledge el cooldne 1-91OO 4 A-I EMPLOYMENT 17 1117 Frt enl CABH DEPOSIT RF)PMFD FE' 8 SALARY 0000 JOBS AVAILABLS INSIDE SAUFS Miami tirm hitd Imp 165-170 Wit plus Apgar Aiello' 226 Carlehte Blde 666 125th git North Miami strvicr STATION ArrYNDANTS tart sce plum COMMIPAiOn Miami Employment 523 125th REFRIGERATORS WOOL PRESSER OVER 310 TO cHoosr FROM ALL GUARANTEED APTS size 6 rr P'riendly Frost 3801 NW lith Ave adiacent Oates Leading manufacturing big fashion uniforms for Dent and suecialig stores Strong man show member On oblectinn to non-conflicting Ones Mr Net Singer will he at Ameritans IlinteL Tuesday Dee 31st thru Friday Jan 3rd UttUtog Company Warrensburg Mo MERCHANDISE OPENINGS a 11 denertrnente Ineel and out of town tor OXPenetle eel hotel men Top PRIvra mechanically Ineltnel Sso DRIVES youne or barrister firm ScS 000KS SNORT ORDER 1ArioNAL TIMM OYMENT 107 1ST AVE 4 JOB top PIM utr POrwet Cleaners 3890 Bird Ave Bus No3 4 COLLECTOR salesmen flood installment route open Experienced Permanent Nee Mr Chester Leonard' Store 741 NW 2nd Ave Ark hourotpan lohloy porloe woottoro cooks tonne Aloha Zmployment 152 3rd 0L RETAIL route salesmen arm lorpr delivery' on intik tont Quatantoe or commirsion Antoly 9 to 12 4'45 Milt Mt het Mr Haled 4 FPI' AIL milk mutt Esso nit" lettli blab rommiorion lotto Coon toond yoar round employment rod Irorktre conditions A poly Et 8 30-10 30 AFC o-53() PM FANTRY mon Apply betweea 12- Collin' Att 4 -4 FXPPPIENCF(19lnOT PPFSSFP9 Ct1AL1TY work top money gtra de year round oh Soo Mr Fd Mtodco CFslity Cloanoro a trodrt MJ-20th Bt Corner Al toot Rd Ftc101of clerk experirncerf under referenros 2 to Apply only 10 A 4 1020 ()-an Dr MAN canahle Of rrittittni mock tires for nand Ignlingted l'her sloop boat" mg4t g4 good Permanent rottion titve parlictlarit lit tre Box 897 Deerfield pitch tic 54! ALLINIFN 12CPPRIINCOD in Potter heir noes ParrInf Arriv Ftri Phooter altos 14410n Amer- icana Motel SALES MANAGER e-- I ie si se sdt-i Mgnsger trainee SV75 Apgar Ageneg 3641 17ta Ave PIIRCHASINre HEAVY MARINE CONATIHICTION )(PER IEN( NO YEARLY FAII10VMENT FXCHANCIE 611 CHAMBER or C'OMMENCE ELM) 3111) AVE 100- ANTIQUES GRAND CENTRAL TIGHT 1636 NM 7TH AVE HIGHEST vrices Ins chtna thrill- CLOSED TILL JAN END tyre glass antiques HI 84173 4 BEDDING---BEST 'StrY9 In Mimi HIRERS Studios South's Largest HOLLYWOOD RFD S29 complete' Furniture French and Period and perfect Natinnafle aciscriuEstates anneised 321 74th oft bicis 8 real savings ROLL-AWAY St PI 4-4126 Oven Sun 1-5 PM with RELIABLE mattresses $20 I cash or terms to suit 1 Fine Thing's And Sold iSs FURNITURE WRSE npra Ise Is 4250 NW 7th Ave MIAMI GALLERY S49 NE 79th Daily 9 to 9 Sat and BIM a tlt a 105- DIAMONDS WATCHES 4 FRIGIDAIRES $39 55 llYP JEWELRY REPOSSESSIONS I 1 tott some as is All guaranteed Over DIAMONDS old gold cis ir bought 150 to choose from Best prices riaA in Miami rrIrridly Frost Used Avolisrices HALPERTB 3801 NW 17t1 Ave NE 4-5253 KIRFRS Stud Ins South's Larowd FurnIture French and Period annaVsed 321 7911 St PI 4-412a Oven Sun 1-5 Fine 'Minas Fought And Sold Who1Pale-11al1 MIAMI OALLFRY 619 79th St 105- DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY DIAMONDS old gold vie bought Be gt prices birl in Miami HALPERT COLORED Dere work ironing or cleaning Fa 4-5609 Viola 4 COLORED good ironer rick up arid deltierv Pb 7-7378 PT 1-9250 58 WANTED POSITIONS-MALE CARPENTER alterations revisit's Fla rooms carports TU 8-8163 4 4 EMBRY RTDDLP Aernoautical Inalitute Btudents with varied exrerience desire part-time or ond 'obi If you have such work Ask Mr Ingraham NE 3-8581 938 4 Alter 4 call NIK 3-8583 PAINTER all branches enitinried Low prices Must work NE 5-2942 4 MAITRB D'Ilotel-headwaitert reliable excellent background for fine Hotel or Restaurant operation Box 1-17 Miami Herald MAN White sober honest with 20 years practical experience tropical other gardening also home maintenance ti exree work contract or hourly on beaches North Miami Port Lauderdale Rs truck Tools Box 3147 anti 20 TEACHER 55 experieneed references Box 1-21 Miami Herald ontrr mrrAL mrevANtrn MINIMUM 2 veers recent etnerl Imre in manufacture or slumtnum aircraft parts remitting lernut theartna and 101M1111 10 Pectlicationt IN IT111011 mrcHAvics MINIMUM 2 rearm recent sheet metal eapertence with tome upholstot Inc mtth Aircraft Corp 5700 V4' 3Oth et 4--- Urgent L)I IL 140 2nd Ave Irg 3-5212 VACUUM cleaner A-1 condition WIT MI: Dna ft AP FOR PT7 FP VOGVEI 0 TRUCK P1 CLEANFIRS WS 20TH 87 --------b FOLTOWINI 1160nrs tVfn InMIP Dntinots-r rrepertntinn 1r ft dwoly many morn not limed i Regit0ero1 rt thornuthi exTPri-111nhrOsterer 2 00 uo ITncfd Conditions malarF snd 1Pn-1 A ssislant nutintentmc 1 50 in sc1 LarlitfAt indomaintenaorp SF10 (0 Ilt) Pendent preAcription Core Box Drivers 11011 TA 570 00 J156 Herald itv000ment ontrators i 51 Rodman 57 00 rvowT1-vy --1n ta '7 Rodman r000 EXPFRIFNCEID wnichine DIAMONDS old Gold Highest! 510 in) ei bind bt MAYTAGS an'd other Ireshows rrices Nat tonal Dis month Jew- I4 349te a 18t at FR 4-5498 easonable 3115 NAV 27th Awe i a PIECE dming mom enife sturdy LADIE8 solitaire 270 proms nlat-l' Mum setting WA 3-7779 H0117 1mnd construction good condition SI No dealers please HI 8-6236 843 DRAPERIES 8AV 37th Ave S10 170 NW 62nd St IvSE-sr anti erPilrn full time or part limo 18 ta Av 4 4 PHARMACISTS 1411 1 ma WE UMW 40 0 Ave 4 4 PHARMACISTS Al METtlANIC fleet reintentneg good references Write bog bl-178 nressihst train $50 UN up Knd hand iron operator for Mechanical trainee sin0605-tiwritrt otor Dress Corp 8Rhljtinninterrinteirckan 171n1 2rIA reetatered poittoria Ore 11 IqL 8HIPPINci clerk with Jalousie Pk- Woodworkers 5 tnt nerience 1074 Mk St Ma- Approved Personnel Iran Tor so iarst olus lean See Mr Tucker I- MAN 21-35 for every oth er night OFFICE Mortuary duty emploved ateadi- EXPANDINC1 local manufacturer ly or student single neat reins- wants urcresalve sales manager ble APPIE 3333 NE 2nd Ave from Confectionary food product it no 9-5 -s Ter na acniill 3 irSn417r1w1 RI AncEir14: I 'POSITION IHE AT)Qtt SWEEPS' I aanhdiftbe101 nclann Oceanfront 1 hn LU 3-8114 sEvERAL controllers heavy man tel experience Amity in person Mt 4 ufacturtng experience Coate manor Hotel finol Collins MUTUAL FUND SALESMEN accountants sales managera 1 Ave EXPERIENCED Paveoll inspection elerks aart- BREAK the barrier that limits eel accountanta book keener' PATTERN maker cutter VOIMI tour Income with an organiramanual Machine pilling rate I man exnerienced lady's Sports- ition sponsoring one ef America's clerks Many trainee office es- setr Resident steady work 19 fastest growing Mutual E' isistants Most 5 ciays Submit re- NM 8th St I Your earnings can be higher and laume Wonderful futures I YOUn commissions will be On a 1 $3 900 TO $12 030 I wr'oNt daAvogolrw etik2721: tic13 irentirinignnbnats4s v7Plittnionsti laortnalfiTnm- Buie Blvd Mornings only sueance Here's an unusual "MIAMI'S Pinest" rirRSONNIrt 'units to attain manaterial eta- i BERVIcE DOWNTOWN 2fleti warehousem*n tu quickly AttractIve annual CONGRESS BLDG III 2NOI AVE OR trrrLE RIVER BRANCH oVenrait ttonr votubeTeelf steoceftrivelStigitig 260 NE 79TH ST th unlimited possibilities of this I e-----s YOUNCS MEN IBET VEEN TN T'OPPlaillt now Contact Fir Ipapst- AGES OP 21-35 YEARS OVER i itiaeSmidi 3z ney HOTEL HELP mg 175 Anley idg BS 3 MONTHS LOCAL RE- Sttrir3(5 srnENcl EQUIRE TO WORK i Pia ER i-1541 I IN LAROE WARE- Honsem*n i Maintenenee frorTs LN SECTION op BEAL ESTATE SALESMEN Assistant Engineer Porters: mLANIT PERMANENT A RILICFSSE1) for active office In Cook Transcript Clerks PROUND P091 TIONS wrnt EX-I best 'ecation Eateliella (WOqt' BaHhOPF Waitatil icrLLENT ADVANCEMENT 'nit tz energetic and Intelligent NATIONAL trNIPLOYSTENT lApnlY Men-Fel 9 A M-12 noon Person either Ingle or female We 197 1ST AVE 531 Fleeter St I bele You to get started Evans i PEACE? OFFICE 442 Espanola Wav I Realte TU 8-4541 lurrug RIVER 241 79th Si ipsESSER wanted Sea OM' 'Rotel' --t- WELDERS SOM short wnrk bur I alet shop 100 21st St B1 0() PER WEEK 1P 52 'SPFCIALfy salemnen if you meet I up Employment Rureau of 01 these qualifications: 2112 Gablea Bus Station' is COLOETTI lwvire pot glasit 25 to so years of age Bldg and chshwashers 5 Own late model car to 2 A dais S45 lor Free to travel 1 MAN se ll iota cream Clean sober I CALL MrAlexancier at Teevelera eFxv Beach hotels i Happy Jay 1101 Iti 21st St MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYMENT i 1-17'eL Tli 8-3461 10 AM to 1 022-5TH 6T 14 PM 8un Mon Tues 1 Dixie Em vIsrr our nw Hotel Dnt Trans- ployment Yo 'S st th break for cll lamest and leading met desk clerks auditor Etc 11 Iee can oiler you aec*nty lifetime private istriv offe-ing ton po-iTo S325 Biness-Professional Ser 1 incme and an to have eus i your own agency in ho elites Sum sitions in SALES MANAGEM ENT vice 1 ve 27 8 I 1st A inaters1316t3e 1 betinwe! ACCOUNTINCi OFFICE TRAIN- ES COLL For TRAINEES ALLi53-- OR FEMALE 11-'A -ifr- i 2nd Ave unra9n-cle2 crotdelignIt i PAINTING Inside or out Own brushes Reasonable PL 7-3215 1 DRAPES slipcovers spreads made ELECTRIC ranee 4 burnor le Installed Guaranteed NE 4-0700 model S35 NE 34E14 4 4 1958 Fabrics We measure SewISINGER Portables S12 514 5r Insra II draperies Expert red I New machines at Tremendous Installation ER q-b7P9 Shop us and COMPare6 119 NW 12th Ass Park in Rear FERTILIZER AND SOIL Is FRIGIDAIRE' S45 GOOD black coil los green ELECTRIC RANGE 525 lawn MO 75150 1652 3411i Et c-mrnteetArt and bonlo tien Arm I 41(1 LANCIFORD vTheiart Drug Co Inc Z39 le- BATUMI steady Orand 121 8 181 8TRELT 2311 Et 8nv 214-23rd St bt J1C 1-6503 4 i8ntE8MAN Men'tt Inimt be 4 I YOUNG man 22 White sober honest wants work as construetMn Monter itarehouse nr around home Box 3147 Miami 20 ROAD construction and paving Bunt Available at one permanent 15 rears eupervisorx experience Walter Campbell YMCA Miami 7 7 7 7 BURDINES AnD17 7100 32nd Ave COPYWRITER I imig trt-r EKPFRIFNC-FD transerlre man Arir? Carnival Moel 2301 Normand? 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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)


What is the middle class in Miami? ›

In Miami-Dade, middle-class households make $52,700 to $142,000 and, in Broward, $55,000 to $144,000, according to 2022 data compiled by Maria Ilcheva, a researcher and assistant director of planning and operations at Florida International University's Metropolitan Center.

Is it the Miami Herald or Miami Herald? ›

The Miami Herald should be referred to as “the Miami Herald.” The “the” is only capitalized at the start of a sentence.

What is the largest newspaper in Miami? ›

The Miami Herald is an American daily newspaper owned by The McClatchy Company and headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

How many people read the Miami Herald? ›

Together, our newspapers are read each week by more than 1.5 million people in print and online at and

What income is rich in Miami? ›

Although it can be difficult to define "rich" in Florida, the following criteria are important: Top 20%: To be in the top 20% of earners in Florida, you need a household income of around $141,000 or higher.

What salary is upper class in Florida? ›

How much does an Upper Class make in Florida? As of Aug 30, 2024, the average annual pay for the Upper Class jobs category in Florida is $45,245 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $21.75 an hour. This is the equivalent of $870/week or $3,770/month.

What is the nicest suburb in Miami? ›

With historic charm, lively culture, gourmet restaurants, and excellent schools — it's no surprise that Coral Gables is considered the #1 Miami suburb.
  1. Coral Gables, FL. Average rent (one-bedroom): $2,950. ...
  2. Miami Lakes, FL. ...
  3. Weston, FL. ...
  4. Pinecrest, FL. ...
  5. Kendall, FL. ...
  6. Doral, FL. ...
  7. Aventura, FL. ...
  8. Palmetto Bay, FL.
Jun 14, 2024

What is the nickname of the City of Miami? ›

The city's nickname, The Magic City, came from its rapid growth, which was noticed by winter visitors who remarked that the city grew so much from one year to the next that it was like magic.

What is considered the greater Miami area? ›

The area encompasses Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, which are also the three most populous counties in Florida.

What is the major newspaper in Florida? ›

Florida's Largest Daily Newspaper | Tampa Bay Times.

What was the first newspaper in Miami? ›

The Miami News was founded at The Miami Metropolis in 1896, and published under that name until 1908. Walter S. Graham served as the newspaper's first editor. In 1903, the Metropolis became a daily newspaper, except Sundays, eight pages in length.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

Who reads the Miami Herald? ›

Customers: Readers in South Florida, the Caribbean and Latin America; web visitors from around the globe. Circulation Area: Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties in South Florida.

What are some interesting facts about the Miami Herald? ›

The Herald was established in 1910 and was known in its early years as a “reporter's paper” because of the freedom of expression it gave many of its writers. The paper also gained a reputation for its hard-hitting exposés and its thorough coverage of Miami's large Spanish-speaking community.

Who owns the Herald? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

What is considered a good salary in Miami? ›

According to MIT's Living Wage Calculator last updated on Feb. 14, 2024, a living wage for a single adult with no children in Miami-Dade County is $24.26 an hour. That means you should be making $50,460 a year. With a child, that amounts jumps to $39.58 an hour, or about $82,326 annually.

What is living wage in Miami? ›

Living Wage Calculation for Miami-Dade County, Florida
0 Children2 Children
Living Wage$24.26$25.95
Poverty Wage$7.24$7.50
Minimum Wage$12.00$12.00

How much does it cost to live in Miami? ›

Miami's housing expenses are 53% higher than the national average and the utility prices are 4% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 3% higher than the national average. Miami has grocery prices that are 5% higher than the national average.

What is a comfortable middle class salary? ›

You also need an annual household salary of at least $50,000 to be considered middle class in 17 other states, including California, New York, Oregon, Washington, Utah and Hawaii. In California, the difference is $122,000, from a salary of $61,028 on the lower end to $183,102 on the upper end.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.