The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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The Last Word In Selling Power "Miami Herald Classified" Call FR 9-3711 For Results Mrs Whiting Astounded By 1st Day Results Declared: "Never Never Expected Such Switt Action" orawf! pi ejan rh' ''h HI 3-ul8? mlcor TMl MIAMI HERALD lit Monday Jkpii 14 I9M 24J- mi- real linn torn MONET WANTED MONFT WANTED FOR SALE HOMES 250-FOR SALE-LOTS MIAMI REACH LOTS 159- INDUSTRIAL SITES GROVES ACREAGE MRMS 261- NOITHEAtT S' RU81 mar- 8 CORNER 12rfl At ABO N0RTHER8T '7 500 1ST AT 10' AAA Mitm 11 MORinAOt S44S0 at 10 Property 10k intereet trtatad on CM rn Ti i 97th 4-749 261- FOR HOMES 'xllO' nndr 6-243 Charlotte County 41lt It iorw rr-i-i SoC fron tAfr will imi or iri witn unit buiidint located nr Miami Reach He excellent vtiu ISO ACRES BEArrriim NEW DUPLEX lull D70 -O70 ItioorainAiiOB MCh lldi 1 i rrniport BUSINESS LOT '117 500 1 Ttir nil I A HAZE rot tpe rnnstrTitiv Investot Ft FL TIR DRIVt HUM WANTED for B-J 1st (or office hulldlnt Lander to out cheee let and with RU tubordtnatioB FR ijyjfT HI Vein AND ONLY 10 FR 1 1171 Rirh Orttr Front 100 ft lot Prir II tfht ft ASR'tFY Rfaltor Jt -4A rtC PAAitor itlon Itdr Ti-i REACHES THIS PROPERTY 105 79th P' PL 4-1577 Tl 11th Avi HiAh OETH MIAMI REACH Fl on 171i Bt nett I 7 Ntx! tn (iujii 'VAB FORMERLY PART OF THF ON Tfmi PL 7-14047 1ST AND 2ND WA1 A I 8 VANC1FPPTIT HANTH AND THF ONT in' EAST OF 81 ini nt 2- CORAL GAILES LOTS OV NEP NEED CAM IM'JHJP LOT fnnt nn-th AROA1N' MORTGAGES riBrFM: rr JS large CM A RFAI nh LIVE Wire Ortamtatinn MM) 120000 workiot eepittl (nr ipei illcn'tnn protect Ilthtr acn o-IBaetive IBvearot rtotlreo Contar Wtsternftld ProperMtt tnr 422 Oeortlt Av West Ptlm Retrl Flnrlfli 244- STOCKS BONDS MTGS IB IMS fXTRA RPFCLAL iRNER gAr 103rrt it Alt or BArt with l40x for BArktBi Call NSTON RIAXTOF ur-iit HArbour blo mArkr Dr fnm IAPOF 2 bdroon Apt ieh 13 000 down Off Blue Blvd Af 11400 nTe 12th Ata NORTH MIAMI BEACH Custom Built Homes 7 BEDROOMS 2 bAthi ill dOlUXA fOAturoi Clot to 14Jrd It Shnpmnr Cn'r I5 vi iih Ata Obab ddilj NH Hicks jr Inc Rulldr WI 7-0480 RAKFP 701 Mra 4741 ann atn PL ver I PB 1-1371 PREPAYABLE And AWOflllot RlALTORi RRONfiTON RLDf ClRfOta R-TnuiwnrtBv prv Riri- PtfON? I A PRIME IN WIMVV I won discount RMT homA Hf in OAblti 103'x innlni pBlvtriltj lAfi ArA MO 1-W7 or and pha foui CASH FOR 5 ton znd montate tnlt NFW IndmtrlA! Bulldlni Trlpl A tntnn Inni RR iMlrtt 5CNT RIRCAYNT PArk 2 Stdroow P'JJB hnm of lt4BtA And ehArm Owmr 117th it SACRIFirF tndai Mik- of- 1-4501 WI 1 W73 FTI STATE RD NO 771 FRONTAOE AND IP ONLY ABOUT 1 MILE FROM THE HOOF MAOKLE DF i OrMFNI THAI 18 REINO BUILT AT PORT CHARLOTTE THIS IS A STItAL AT ONLY AN ACRF TFRM8 8FF SI'KRLINO RROS Kron Raltor I inroln Rd JE 1-67J7 vt-xtt kiu ibi per mrtnth nil rasr ItrvATi cc TER ft rkion PR ntTijsx ui SOI bdr llil I nil) iiif ni inr I AH' 644 GABLES LOT CtJFNT will lni up lo ilOOOOO 3531 Mr Goto Tor! nnrnpm AAraw iwj avkj coo nown win not iiv plus tIJAitnn a RlABir iodT I NLR" VALUES Woh Ave RAltor JE 8-732A rn imi BAttAin in mni iftm tn(iini mrr ":4 (rwned porch Ownar iw at PERRINE Avr PR 1 71 rllf 8if- Oft i rHFAPER than rnt RtirtB PArk Furn 2 hMroom PlorldA rftnm hnmm r-aah ihnv Mm nw in 148th Hi Wl l-mi- lilPTFO RAIF ND 10" 3 YRAR8 PA vi mm Al i iVj lmrnln Rd 1 nil Wll III" "-NIIIIIUI Ji- ftn li HI (IT M(l n-IlM Wa rn AIIfy Offlrnnm 7 oth if A uao 'OR 8 fv jni FOR ynur FHA lvl mnrtA 50 pat All or ownfr -v- rv 1 I wl" 'k mlt PL 8-742" h9f) DOWN Of: RFn pri unit 81 HiAh wnrr ns iimi jnn lt 15 'An 144 Rn tinonnfi If rm CARR RKAITY 10710 RISC BLVD I Rtvf 4 llnll Am allf FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE TO MIAMI CALL Wl 5-6545 ait ivor month No rM ta OA OVFRRI2EP lolt All muHovod DOA 5wbi wi 5-s2 W900 S5 2ND 10' 3 YEARS PAT hAAulltuI h'Ornoin with Otllfv nTr in Arts IAMKS PACK A AS80C TOWN A COUNTRY RFAI rniiil in mni ui i 57000 oAh And I ho hAlinco on Mi 5" moritAir pavaoIa tlO'ifcO mnnlhlj Chrmlnt "Id ranch in fond rooalr Holf mil pavfd hlihwAy frnniAi' 40 Arrs rlforAri And In poturo 80 rrt In nlnf wood" Ior(d 10 mlnutfj from Lokf ('Mr Pl Hro 10 ilrln Av HI A-1A1R miuv xtrA Ownir Ain H0 310 Inn AVA PR 1-1M TOR SRLE-10TS 10 DOWN no rlnalnt coafa no titllooa mortiAia 3 hortronra both arroanafl FLORIDA ROOM tNVESTOR RFAITT 1471B 7th ATA MTI 1-8741 SACRIFICE Vrnl 4 ndronm haih naar all arhoola kui rhurrhaa Aa Inn at $2 000 down By ownr 14015 NI 7th Ava PI 8-2915 PI i 40148 ffl'i DIBCOtlN'l J' 500 MIIRT A11 100' irrriulAr STATE MORTOAOE? line 441 lot fin Own-r hftlil Iful Aunli Kri BVYKHR MARKKI BUY NOW FR 4-3384 ANODfi ORAHAM RFAITOR onit J77W RFT I DT Rl 1Y( UNO 405 VEYrWJIn BlUln 1 AND 2 Ai-rf lrrl off Mf 17lh Av Mn in 170000 Mn 1 -3371 H7i Av Olnw in n- 000 huh on ifh ittit iirif Jot M- i your rnuntrr drum 1 iihoip nwner amar Mitchell Co LOAN wu 51 OHO Pt lr FMPIRK MOrt TdACiM UN S-Ml 80x107 Rcaldont $1 '50 000 romfnl nUni And IJjJO TmiMc intruUtlnn ACCF8R1RIF 5 Ai'r ntli SmiriB Owner muvl aarrtflcp "zoNtSr Custom Built Homes! MODERN CORNER HOM1 YFARR fount PljrB 1 bod-rnoma 7 hatha Piot'dA room til) PAid "SflXJ Riim 50X'XCI Rrirtnt Rlidnt NW I nrii rniAio ojj mn iunn hi PR J-4138 hl fiitura alto for coah io axnAnn U01 Miami Ave PI 1 -84V 75XJ00 Dunk montV omar lorahor noon rarm' call we pnr MORiOACFf( 2 NEW hodrnnm 2 both (II di-luva faafija rRi'il haa'lnt 700 40'XKW' RrAidont NI On Tmprnv'fl P'npn i mi ran vtn Rbh TIJ 7-8040 or Tt' 7-ih I'Uion Zomdl La PortA 5 10 nd 20 Mr 000 atrOAtt nlr dA-'rlffd low for ron- VX1C0-RIVIIRA 3X101 lA'indr" ar VAibr BTFAr llltro mndrn kl'chan Ohkibui' toll Onk 510 000 down AnB OllMr "FEINER" VALUES fNC- l0flT75 RulriAn't HlAluh LtF A FHAZIl FRAZF1 sr" Cloao to but hd 143rd ahnpntnt cpnttr fxtrt lorta lots Op-n 10-1 17J7 PACoa North Hlth trnund P'altor hoiitwooo 154 nrrAind ArcABA FR 1-aUJ AYND1CATE heinj Intmfn pur Oak tran 54 400 arvitlvo tnvntor Boo OroaimAn HOLLYWOOD Br M'H Cloa To Na Diploma' Ho 160' OCEAN 160' A1A IT- 'Bi MiAmi Rch nrfnfooi 140! I Sr 450 I II or RPvararain l-BUt 1411 Wiih Ata RAiItor Jl 1-7124 LOW COPT MORTOAOI OANB Am bUlldlnA RhArn 1 OflO ifh 63" lOnrl BtroA! fl Gaby Lee Realtor cJm1 1 A CANTOR 5S80C a Wt MAKE or Mi ltt or jbo Should rturn 20r plus dnrci- l0" tn mo-ttuft from $1 000 lo II 000 'Ion Ron A-(7 HorAld WAlhfk Retltnr HI J-l "FEINER" VALUES 1411 W'Aih Ava Jt 8-7124 Martin Homes Ownor Wl 7-4148 ill! uurtOL to i ii 474 KJC 113th it 2n- GROVES RCRERGE EAFM5 crc on Au nj imprnvo or 400' DEEP HIAIEAH LOTS SITE FOR HnrrL TICABl rotl AStAr 2 FLORTiA room 2f JJy lt NPin $15000 1 ta 2nd ON m'fr 1 85 Hiojirui D' auick Action mnrtjiA hahlnd 1d 000 fat Prop- K'Titon Point HnrtB TTJ 7-248 ihliahAd 184 rtF It 4tfi it And Burr BMAL )-OiP MPTKL CC rt ai irom r'-'B'v int rooT 3 bedroom bt ir-n -a lnanarnnn EatA SfDNFY DOME IF 8-178' flT'LOTT 1 0LD CUTLER RD- 150 ON SI 8TH 8T C-? I Notr prnpeaAd Le J'unt Rd Ax- BUtMH PL 1-7990 Ouplox nw $5 000 down Sl" 5(1 v- riV MIAMI 8nnnt imsrovi-d Int No orokn ot Au eur hAn( Ahout OA Cill abj tv k'PONE TNC 75x127' OB NnhtlotAlA 1 710 LINCOLN RciAD OrlnlA FR 1-4Z7A A ARNETT Rultor MTLE on pavoe roid BAtr auc-TU 6-4771 roatf-ji mbdlTHion to H11n II la Fl Ifif Bnt1 r-n- Biv" iff1 17" PR 1-5514 WANTED $10 000 or mori iaaa 10 Mora 531 000 aArurit Writ Box P-40 Miami Hrld VORMAN BABKL MTO CO Bid! 245 BF in 81 243- MOHIT WANTED th Btrft 1 RnsiNESS lota nr 27th Ar WATERFRONT Arrj $4 100 Tfrma Onnr nil PI 8 9481 1IIC jrp ATA Wl 5-1PO0 BY OWNOT Tn 1av1 3 bdr8om 2 both srrAnd porch bn-mnr- tt htt $15100 $3 MB down 574 month 20115 11th Ct 18 ACRE MAnio rov fronni on 2 roAda idoii lubdivition trictPHA ipprovAd Lir-fr trlct If "iro Hlh leT tlon no fill roulrd 11 rallA South ot MlAmi court houao Butld-Ars torm HOLLYWOOD REAL ESTATE Port chariot- BOxif'c coon ruturA on 'Bl Trr ou' rr -nlmum alr $191 nar lot wnoia arrt onr rR A-8F HOLLYWOOD Hlvo PAJY TERMS NO 952 open la deal 5im unaiviirii i i ii ONI 510 Down NEW DUPLEXES FXCFAJJTNT RENTAL ARJ mwniunuti nr-' kji nu for inapaction nw mom ronch Brnvjun scks broker 10 FEE mnnrn a yAl ntu'llu noma 4 'iSi lAKF from lota In Miami Rnnnia 5 halh BrokAja Co 057 iincoin Rd JE 7-7481 C'BrrAI Bj on crt Low lai FR 3-314 All orr TH 7-4770 nnar'a aaklni $39100 T'rma MO 7-0731 or MO JAM HF8e A- MAY REALTOH-C RlnldAP WA wl 7-4W3 I CAttl Rl -578 hfa LA'AA TTAcra laSvf Mtsi LEAVE AIMOST now 2f bod room betutt-1 1 fully Furn cRS horn til tilo faalll-Aa FririA-a air rnrf a lAAta Pa i 11 UBlll OAllIt 5 AIR 35 yotra PR i-2lli 10503 Bo DIxIa Hwt HondAl! BBArnn'int NEAR BURDINI BtHLDLRR APT BltAK ind -laaa Tu' au ora In ad dii Low cAah down on our nronAriiAa Mr 7nnnt 931 duPont Rlti ONE Acre homanta for bAlow roArlrn Ownar HI 4 9383 '751pt "r-2 londariprt lot $4000 1340 ti 100th it ROYAL BOND 1BT MORTOAOE ONLY $5 700 CBS BUSINESS BTORE COR MR AND FR AMF HOMI ON Fxcai- "BoulhlAnd WA 3-4605 Ext 19 until bulldlBi la onmpl taeur PhOBA 8roBbAr UN 5-8445 lan' InrAilnn Boa Ann Ollbort fluA tvp htt RCA TV Avon 1 power mnwAr to cut tho rta Cloa to RurdinAa shnpnlnt Cantor 'FEINER" VALUES 1 BLOCK FROM Golden Clades Blvd DADE crA 33-15-37 $300 rr rr HI 4-1508 or NP 4-1821 250 ACRES At 40 Mil Bnd nn Troll PrlrA $ffe pr tcro OB larma or rokA cah offor I Plnkhim HI 8-0070 I of 320 ACRI8 AT $22-TERMS 4 REDROOM bath larir livln DADE CO 140 ACRES AT $71 room FlnrlriA room cornorl And RFNSON JE 1-3107 XArat PiroplacA Alan InrludAa 3 1 mom rantAl mill 100x125 cornat j7r SQ FT COUNTY' 5100 TO lot $11500 $:500 down BAlAnra io noo 8Cl FT 38T0 I jOCK W' iIR WILL BILL 1ST MOP I WATIRPRONT Ant I Rlvd ccfa to ori ITS down 5 tr mm 140 Man aiire you Ae tnia but tndi OpAn until told 1 to 5 PM Pull prlCA $12 500 1335 1518T BT OP $-1850 ON NEW CBS 1611 Aih Ava Raaltora JE (-7326 NOTf JIOME CITY 8 IN- homi Tl FOR 10 1'F lArmi 4150 Bt jrND AVE AGENTS ON PRFM- 2 LAROE corner bee BEAUTIFPLLY FIND NtTCrTKN CABfNE AR PR 4-4046 -FRF3T 1 TO 19 FHA lola 75X100 lAt Hoithit MO 1-4285 AVAILABLE PHA ApprovAO mall trait ind Int TWO rr ISFS 10 TO 4 oc tt tn (ere 1-53-38 $550 EXTRA STORAOF CI A Bart Inn 3 REDROOM 7 bath CBB tilt Owner I roof hardwood floor mtstr bortrnom Aircnndttlnnod utility ironm with AUtomAtlc wAaher lm- Pi 11 3-1 aAwer For homA also Ant alto much- srr? FTt'F a i-rnr n'ov BrDROOMS 'jl AlAtrc UJT 75 X120 WILL PAY 101 5 YKARS $40 PER MONTH ROYAL BOND 1ST MORTOAOP ONI $4 700 ON 2 REDROOM 1 BATH HOME WILL PAY 10' 5 YFARR $71 PER MONTH ROYAL BOND 1ST MORTQAff ONIY $7 AM ON 7 BEDROOM IRA TH HOME CBS WILL P' 5 YEARS 190 PER MONTH "fARS 590 PER MONT nd on flahlni ctmp Cnat No rod DUPlatX lot 5flxi3o nh i dry nir Bir 1 112th Bl $4900 PL 9-3723 54570 8'8V 2ND $41 mnnlh oholct PirrlBA 30 off 140 5-1545 M94' S'j 2ND $47 mon'h food 10 Afr rrtcla $100 rr MrK Urt I lr I nv'n- anaruiii lot Roa' nffar WI 5-2932 for 030 8 18th Tor pAl'or JE 8-7376 nnintmi )r 15 nil Atu DUPLEX lot 50x700 118th St nAtr 1411 Wtah Ava $22500 TERMS AVAILABLB 3rd Ave -NE 166th OPEN WI 7-1573 mAdltte occuDsncy Cloeo to tchool bu lino ihopptnc renter Term -oer 1: 7900 Wi 7-1514 DUPLEX 2 bedroom tch tide 1614 109th Bt PL 8-1438 RFAI "SLEEPER" 140 orrai at 1 $40 00 P'r acta Front op Pd- ortT HjfhwtT for oooroxImitAlr 1 'mllo For this tnd othor outsitnd- me hip-a In Forms ArrAtA Homce I ot ptr writ or phon JOE COBB Reoltor Dunnetlon Ht'nter 9-2241 01 9-2481 BucoypA Blvd ownor rL '-a- B- 1' r'N o-o-a 80 PodArt! PRICED TO SELL LAND INVESTMENTS 142 I PlA 0 sionti prompi oft MO 5 3161 bt cwnA- ATERFRONT lot) low prli-t aacO Inoiiir 798 70'h Bt Hwy Hollywood month 12 Phoonlx RotltT UN 5 5781 i PL 7-0267 M5 DWWfririaT-Tli trtla nff anl ROYAL BOND 4 BFDPOOM I bath corner CBS Lo monthly 15780 NI 15th Ct Henry EWolff Co 7740 Po'k 8' OP OB 1 441 baa- Broword And Did DmECT from ownar wnr monm 18 MO 5-3145 $1400 8' 2ND $44 r-ortha old 10 off Blvd HAlthtf Hollywood 7 M-teay Benker- Rra" 120 Bldf FR 9-3431 BARGAIN 4 itall barn 2 tortt fenced only $5-500 netr Sweet tor nor $45 month for horieman Booth Retity ca 1-1911 Oood invettmentl cms in KondAii i Coun-y Im 51100 cAah ch ja OwnAr NA 1-8197 KEYSTONE POINT bAdronm 1 both $10 90C orrptnr bedroom 2 bA'h 317 9W) Term to 4ult "ItieW dutrooi nod $4000 2nd mortt 'mmrdiirl' Am eeurlt NA 1-1224 tfttr 7 DISTRESSED need money 34 I 130'h St look and be convinced newly decorated Will tell for iair thtn cott ltrtt 2 bedroom CBS porrhes rtrtre excellent locttlor 41! mortttte Oak floor 22' livtnt room ovenlted cloaet tx-tra $17250 PL 4-7707 WATERFRONT LOT i 1 OUTSTANDING trrette on oettn front ltke front nd mtln Blth'ltva OODARD 763P Buc BlTd PL 4-7114 FOR talc 3 bedroom 2 bath tttll howr in tanta Florida room fttte tnd rtrpn" utility room A' AILARIE 'o- immeria'A ACREAGE DANIEL FFAL F-8TAT! 1555 NE 123RD PT PL P-4741 BEAUTIFUL FORCED TO SELL MTJ6T return to NortlsarB tntar-ettt 3 bedroom 2 hath completely Furn larte ictchan 29'x30' nvtBt-dinlBa arat Florida room f-are Thit ora hat aTwrithlnt In beautiful Devi Harbor rr4 to aeli oulck Term to tult Owx- or Kth 7o55 Litn acres colliw cocnty- iIi-Vaa11 rTwfrmV fORNER -17th At tnd NW iTinn roCTtmr Mrh 1' HO Bun Eta IMonE't'dTc PL 9-7494 iVS iaw tt Price iltthtd $35J)er tcre Red Price latbrd $35 per 55 OP0 llr 3NT! $50 month sromp' 5 aentht $1150 off MO 5-1545 1ST MORTOAOEF $4 200 10 I YIARB $50 nsohth CorBr Iol ftBro f-Am heutA 8 PR 3-7472 th Owner IF 8 rP9e- Call WA 3-4771 CHOICE 100 Foot Bird Roti cor 75 OR 100' ON 8 7th Av Ret- 1 1 10 ACRES on Tmlml Trtll nnnle FR 9-3378 ner 2or iaai oaap atoi r-om mtur 2 lot 38th Bt OIOCA Iinai a jnr rW A and 54ih Ave Tntal $3-300 Earie Realty WI 7-1701 NA 1-2470 VANCPACTHRER AxpABdlBf BAAdA $5000 PN 5-78TI ACTION ACREAGE REAUTIFUL reidntiH cornor 75 LVij Sf'i'i'i 901 xll5 NE Ire Avt tnd 124th HBtuJCA 1-2411 $51500 MO f-C344 rTTi' c-on tl inn non-v 257- FLA UTS PROPERTIES ACREAGE LAND ANALYSTS SOBEL WEINBERO REALTORS 1 Lincoln Rd JE 8-4441 ON 51BT BT netr 118th Aye 6W 4 4 acres $11 000 Perry Realtor MO 7-8894 liSrVafiBT HERE TODAY IM ACRES south of Coral Wat i 46ih Si $910 down ACRES ner Homestead Hiah- Pine $1710 per acrt 1-3 down rAUl FY PE'Al TY Nr 1-1385 REE no CBB 3 bedroBBi 1 181 MORTGAOF ONLY $3 850 ON BEDROOM BATH HOMI Win PAY 10' 5 YEARS $50 PER MONTH 2 At AILARI ROYAL BOND 1ST MORTOAOE ONLY 50 rpc CBS ON 2 BEDROOM 1 BATH HOME wTlI PAY10 5 YEARS 5100 PER MONTH ROYAL BOND CONSTRUCTION AND 5 TEAR MORTCAOE 1RT MORTOAOE ONLY $4 500 ON 2 REDROOM i BATH HOME ON 7 LOTS 5C XIV" EACH WILL PAY 10' $40 PFR MOWm "GOOD DEAL ROYAL BOND 1ST MORTGAGE $1 750 ON I1 1CRR OP LAND CORNFR WORTH AT LEAST $3500 IN HOMESTEAD AREA WlU PAY 10' $31 PER MONTH 3 YEARS ROYAL BOND DISCOUNT 1 ONTR $1 51 81- 2ND OF LEVY L-31 8 OF TR AIL I $3 500 'D4' FRONT 700 BAATJ Only $231 FOR Any trd tl SOUTH MlAmr 'homAali 75'xl21 -rnnt ''frm" Re' Ftte Baa Flnrldt Oporee Dkea dta- la a--a 5 "a thoppint Swan- Realtor 105 FR 3-99J? on thf nnawiMr toanna 609 InfahAm i dt count MO 5-355 HI SW 77th Tat 1 block o( W1 1-70 nr Tavernler offtct 1172 FLOOD control up to Ptrk border udluBi Rd OWBor HI 3-4039 11TS ALL IN NORTHEAST No broker COMPLETELY Furn home 2 Totrt old bedroom 2 bath Llvtna dlnlni TV utility rooms and carport completely todded and thrubbary Would coet 000 tddltlonal to hufld lodaf Furniture and fucnlahinaa 2 veart old Box A -78 Herald OWNER LEAVING BFORTLY 3 Bedroom 2 Bath CARPORT Built-in oven rnt barbecue pit awnlntt throuth-oni real fireplace pump and well for carpet like lawn PI Ufl ALL FURN INCLUDING like new wall to wall carpetlni A GIGANTIC BUY RriIilRINO ONLY $1990 DOWN NO CLOBINO COSTS OU1CK OC- cuPAJfCYj MIAMI 10 lart lot 3 rorpar roned 1-B-l Aptt Conitder CHANCE of life time Lot of iTOdalYr 1 to Bav andv beach '100 BIG Indiiftrtl OevAlooment dnwn halanrA easy Call Band HOTEL reort for miner! Snr'nta 79th St PI 9-9990 Owner Will Trade for TJnltf 3 Bedroom 7 Bath 363-NE 85th St A LOVELY home In II PortAl lo-rtred emont lOTelv expenilre R-4 BW RIGHT downtown $100 owner PR 1-4333 9-10 A 162 xl32' Hit tn amtlier unlta R-3 APPROXTMATEIY netr I MO 5-4043 Billy Connor Reoltor WrDr truultural expan F0R H0MF5 261- pv 2ND $40 mould BilsncA du ytr 40 dl- count MO ih i-77lC $13500 ON CBB Inrom property vAluAd $21500 InroroA of S350 month AACtiro tht lt rl 10 lotn tmorrlrlnf $22' month p' tr PR 4-184B or WT 1-7847 Mr PurcAll IOTF 5191 a ii R-l PRETTY corner $5 500 BIG LOT SE11 OR TRADE 90X173' FOLl pore tt rth or irad whtt havt you NORTHEAST nnroe toveiy mrn who lotether each Nnthlnt down 3 year lo pay R-l at- 2 54 000 othAr well rtrpets see 1-5 PL wiU to Mm MrK Ti A-3401 Geo A Best A Assoc Rchtnimejer BrnkAr WI 5-7821 HJ-rTr ffi' Nr RrA 'B the Count ha aurh Bandy Bearh ronrrete Piet Lt poter'i! Price are low to Itiex nAtr ahonntn Saat bur in Zn wi rivu 'vriiTcrT biai in at a an P' 1 "''i BUILDERS 8AT NEW bedroom 7 bath In town Bee at 1410 117th Bt Duplex $5 000 down new 1841 141st Bt WI 5-2711 tevertl thousand teres listed from HWY 1 Boca Rainn $14 000 ON CUv of Miami $45 000 29' Van SwArmtAn Realtor $200 to 51 000 pet Acre ty vAiuod At sjn- cab tor or down balanee 3 rear Ortnada VAN'S REALTY -KEY LARGO Realty FR 3-841" SACRIFICE FOR OflCK BALE 75'X140' HIGH DFY LOTS CLOSE TO ELEMENTARY AVD 5 BEDROOM 7 btth carport aU electric kitchen For finest Florida in me ti iro Open 9 to 5 everydtv come by 199th it tnd 14th Ct Pendleton Broker Wl 5-2821 257R- riORIDA PROPERTFEI 2ND MORTOAOE $43 000 PA Y- i i--ir-rr' LA MORRIS Broker SI 7 lo! 7 corner 40 mn $4i nFR MON 1 345 119TH 81 MARVELOUS buy 3 bedroom 2 iNTH -r LD FOR I TUle BBnOtBTV OI MP Ltnd Alono wnr-h 'Ba prtf Ineomt $240 month 4'i lntr-ott 10 Jftr IxcAlloni invAitmrt PTrflAn' wi" tj md op AXACt dAtA by ownar AtternAvs FR 4-1848 or Im wi S-2847 Mr Purcoll lo' in itrte oeveiormenr pe Pinecrest Realty Materumoe 211 Investors er tnd wtter 80th Ave 5110 000 OVER $B0Oc CASH 2S7-A- TL0RIDA PROPERTIES i hath Combl-aiion terrarto and jhardwood floors Munificent kitchen centrtl heatlnt ducted for I air condltlonlnr Open 2-5 30 10611 NW 7th Are PL WAB FAIH IK JgJ MUKI-OAOE BALANCI ONI I $41 C00 'oir eui uri kliltll III READY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLP EMMFTT STMPSON INC OFBN DATI AND SUNDAY 8-1 30 iCer 119th Bt and fth Ave LAKE lots nAr Bt pa- a--a "i is rr---ae i nrr re FHA 54 000 12th Bt Owner JE 1-103 BIBUAYNT GARDENS BEA rTIFyL larte lot 117x305 Call Ed Thnn-nson B-Wll PTBCAYNF REALTY INC $304100 IB Al AT 5' INCOME PER ANNCM THIS PROPERTY VAlflE PL 4-6243 1039 104th Bt 15" down 10 'ears Fron ON VII A DUPLEX 2 bedroomt each tide 521 000 431 I 48th Bt Owner Don't Miss Seeing ABBOTTTRrLT HOMEB ta wor'h 520 000 per cr tp- IiOTB hlth natT Oranf CHE $5 rjay't market Box L-140 Herald $400 2ND MORTOAOE or ownti cash aeulty of $1200 amortii-0! $134 month 10 lit It down to $5300 Credit repor' vcellAnt FR 4-1848 ot Fva WT 1 if? Purctll down 55 a month MC 15 UNIT APART MENTS MORtrAGE HO! DER NEEDS FT VPS wni DIS 32ND AVE Bl HOMESTEAD 1-OT8 100 X110' Rllll HFR 'sAI POLAND off Ktni's Hwy Pavart DUIL-U'LlNJ JXLL Roca Raton FOR aa COUNT rOBirft -R-4 105 X117 OOOD Ioctton for medical cllnl WTLL RDTLD TO BUPr OR 8SU 1 Aor ai 124th St and Red Rd 1 waterfront lot 1 Non-Water lo't 3 Laketront 4am ra bos 14 lots 75'xl1 Miami Mr Husr Tedon Bldr MO 1-1410 street eldewalk electricity rlti MUShAIl Boo pApArai Hirhaay Boca Ra vn ROYAL BOND mo'ei or toiieiat court Pt It BFDROOM 2 teeth wlro pool rreened patio 2 car tare Many extras 1400 NE 137th Bt Wattr $350 dovn Mand All Fla Realty HI 3-4326 FR 1-2741 517100 rtah Call HTGGINS RFG BROKER 1 510 MONTH err Merrtrt Uland I Near TltuavlH FR 9-0187 57 500 2ND MORTGAGE owner Aoiiltr about $8 000 11 i down 5 OOP 10' 1 yoara $80 month Tin one you dretrn about and seldom FR 4-1848 or Ives WI 5-2847 Mr Purrell iS ACRES J) IOC per acre FR 1-5071 115th St Call Mr OCEAN FRONT and hithwty tari rmtit 3-4038' 10 rialrl 11 1 BBB t-I I eatl Delrav Wll! arrfic RFSIDFNTIA1 lot and Jth ava $2100 Avick FR 1-1624 ONE ACRE Owner Box L-144- Herald DISCOUNT WT HAVE 3--1B1 MORTGAGES ON 7 BFDROOM BATH HOMES Al 51 0C0 EACH can OFFER DISCOUNT PAYMENT $55 PER MONTH 10' 5 Y'LARS 181 COME 1ST BFRV-ED UNUSUAL VALUE ROYAL BOND 18T MORTOAOE ONIY $4 700 ON 3 REDROOM 1 BATH Golf Park Lol $1 300 2ND MORTGAGE home built in 1984 for owner Eouif It 1 timet the loan Pa out in 3 years 10' interest FR 4-1848 or Eve WI 5-2847 Mr Purrell IN A dcM-ahl section hlth pme land facint north Area of new INCOME property Cap mnaverei homes only $3500 total price on 1 area 337' ocoan frontaee AlA terms Adjacent Acre Alo atailah! Hv JE 1-3860 30rxl79' xolf cnurse S3 3C0 75 x150' Can I lot $33fjD 73 foi to tt le esttt Ky Gmone ReAlioi HI 4-40U Th'OUSE LOTS MO 7-071! OR MO 1-146? Bot Basin Lois HERS Al MAY REALTOR 10503 Bn Dixie Hwv Kendall HOME ON CORNFR LO I VJ rati rish all dev Dock Basin lead to down Dsnln-o 1 BEDROOM 2 bath combination hardwood terrattso floors roof closet you will never fill 7 BEDROOM 2 bth ahiolura Re-fectlnn nd the price is UOfco lievably lew Open dally "ATTENTION FHA commitment $15100 $3 900 down buy 3 bedroom 2 bath awnlnfs backyard fenced sprinkler system Nice home on oulet street SEE TODAY Onen 1 to 5 13451 Miami Ct Marltn Realty PL 1-9010 PL 1-8885 UNUSUALLY ARRANGED 1 BED POOM 2 BATH HOME NEAR THF BAY IN THE 40 TOTAL PRICE $18 500 FURN TERMS RIDDLE REALTOR 175R1 Blarayne Blvd PL 1-4539 DUPLEX AND 2 EXTRA UNITS SOUTH OF 79TH ST $23 -000 ABOUT $8000 WILL HANDLE RIDDLE REALTOR 12583 Risravn Blvd PL 1-4539 nr $1600 $50 BYVDICATE formed to ere i colored Apt house nroject in Ft Lauderdale Participations helnt taken in amount or $5 000 etrh Anticipated return in exceta ot 11 Wonderful opportunity for lnveator Box L-192 Herald COMPLETELY Furn bedroom 2 bath encloed ttraie 515 NB 111th St MAKE AN OFFER MUST sell 3 bedroom bath Florid room dining room aerate 375 178th St Open Bat and Run 1 tn a Dally by apnoinlment PL 4-9307 NEW 7 bedroom 2 halh by builder 2 block 143rd 81 shopptnt centtr Very reasonable 16C31 NE 14th Ave or WI 7-9923 3 'BEDROOM 2 halh luxury home air conditioners til tppltaneea rsrpeottPt extraa 4' mortfate 14000 cash or terms Wl 5-4716 FTJBN 3 bedroom 7 baih CBS coitae $18-500 PL 1-9041 7 BEDROOM CBS tartte Well pe- hijtes achool sldewtlkt shonpint canter Wl 7-4420 KENDALL AREA IVa ACRE North farina 53 950 $60 don hlni-e 5 year 4i JOSEPH GORE REALTOR MO 7-3411 10427 So Dixie Hwy FOR rent 40 cres corner South Allapauah Rd and Stiver Palm Rich muck and marl A-l farm-in ere Very reasonable Eves HI 3-4825 WANTED FARM land and acreate small or larte tract Will five serious rr station to all propotals Positively no brokers ot trentt Full tetalla fo Box 4524 Normandy Ile MOTEL BITE nd lROE B-l 194' ROOM ADDITIONAL BFDROOM AND BATH AND WILL 1 Ntple F4t tell OOOD BW LOCATION 18TH AVE FXTRA lar 71X161' 985 1 NE 176ih Jarual Bee then call WI 1-3806 -PAY 10 YEARS $71 PER FLAGLER DISTRICT MUN I Wl 5-2651 115 PER MONTH Rtl-mept Homes located between Bora Raton and Delrav Reach WM DAY INC FedAi Hwy and ith Street Roca Rton Florid $45250 TO CREATE 24 ei ond 'rate vleld 10 to 5 BFAUTIFUl ne tn San Boun pataies near Bite Bay No broker Owner MU 1-7801 21lOTS SO 141' 54 000 total mor'tte atttl- years at! seasoned owner -orrtt- many ond 2nd Blad EBUtnee averate 1 limes hi ni tim iO0'X97' CORNER lo- Axrluii'e So Mum! section Merlon Park By owner HI 8-2171 8 W49TH AVE Near Flatler St 50 xl45' roned R-l Price $4 CAL1 JACK FOURNIEK VANCE RE ESTATE 2711 West Flarler NE 5-1H4 99th Ter and lth Ave saiarc: iseacn Uii SANIBELCAPTIVA If I AN irNT M-'ie A T'tim jet PL 7-4474 amount of loan 1npection tnvit- nnvAI DAMpi as Wl 5-247 or FR 4 1848 Mr KU I AL BUNL Steele Bee all or choice 1177 NE 143rd Bt Mtaml Bearh REAL ESTATE LOANS $1 30c tft $31 1 Bnftnth 1 rear- 5 hedroom 2 brh ON HIGHWAY NO 1 IN HEART OF COCOA Ont city block Fill lifted 26021 9 ft 21)0 It an Will 1SRU Florida 146 00 ta CIb and 160 7 on 0 I Ht Ra I S200000 29 pel ctth sswa tkrtt rttrt 6 pet ROLFE DAVIS INC 27 Mala II Orlando Pla or JOE MOORE ai HflrHfM PtVettt 101 Cftcev nrCAMCDHMT nLniNUi 2 NICE lott for i 50x100 9 I INVI I apltt level home FR 3-3614 GROVES ACREAGE rSRMS Apartment house on 225 Ft Gulf front lot $38 MIC Pes Estate Saribel Island Florida 140' DIPLOMAT area priced for Oulck sale Ctl Fred Df Id SNYDER HrtHot Wl 7--l-A HI b-6119 COLOREDirJ "duple lots 80x145 Gould ouick tale nmc $12100 1 ACRE near 82nd Ave and 112th St CI 5-0418 Pompano Acreage 33C0 FEET on Etft tide of Powtr-Sie Road in the path of industrial development 105 tcret tt 57 100 0C pe- acre with terms One mile North of HammoBdvil U51 RENT FREE NEW Duplexes $1 500 down or partly rented 1514 lnveet-ment WI 5-2298 sICItrFlCINQ 1BT MORTGAGE $21 500 I ib-teresi complete amor'iration in 5 rear Property value at $45 Phone circle 7-474 Hmso $3-500 etr 5-h St 6 0 ACRES 11 elemion Fl OBID 50'xljb' J197J Pern Realtor Lets for eath TD 7-3185 CASH $7250 lot 50 Ft f-or'tie 000 FR '-3654 SBaWL 1ST MORTGAGE aection Box A-1P7 Hrld MORTGAGE LOANS 1st I 2nd AM yt P'A orfy Raiek ct-ABir ro-lisbla Alt lay Mark Cat-letaral Laaat aa Mervtjotjet yen awn LEE I WILLIAMS CO u--ti NafiaAttl laak lldf 'ah Wehlataa At Jl 1-4114 MU tTO A beautiful homt Corgeous Kitchen FINI iaves'ment Hwr ith a 8 M'Fddn 72nd Ave 2 blocks 251- MIAMI BEACH LOTS burb of Bunnell 1 a PS Bus HI Own' i- 4f scad Car Oeo-t yj 2 Realtor 21 I Las --TTttoiga Si Lauderdale Florida commercial lBduttrial or cad CiH Oeorf oiat bivo rort JA 2-213 oeoTn or tofcio 109 in- MORTOAGF 1ST BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL jsed for month 1 roars CBS WATER fron ei I INSIDE CORNERS BAYFROv- jg Mf FT 25 Apt hnue Plut 2 houses cos jo ncp nou lot Ban Bouct down bal- if at 1 1 Kan Built In rtrfe tnd ovn SUPERBE BATHS 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS Ltrte porch with btrberut Many other dettred feafurt You wll be to urpried ELSENKR REALTY PL 4-3585 SILL acuity Is 2 acres of pint In Hamlin Estate $210 TTJ 8-8180 IB FB 3-35 tnce 3 year IcOTS AVAILABLE BAPCaLNS GOLDEN SHORES INC 18730 Collins Wl 7 down 5 years balance smue Srhwrtt Broker 23' Mer-rtntlTe Rink Bldf JE 8-081 X04' WI 7-551 Ext 274 Bat Bus only Afierward write Box p-l Herld niac-onATT- int nn 2 10 mortgaaes tot a lint V5J2 month only 77Trs SZitm t-i WV BCBNESS NormndT OCBAN front $1 25 Ft Dr Fnorl Fair UN tnd commerca' Kenneth sr Kt-P Ptlm Yields 15' per annum on i 2S4-FT LAUDERDALE REAL EST 254 FT LAUDERDALE REAL EST 254 FT LAUDERDALE SEAL OT Have several lotether Realtv Corn 201 worth Ave bedroom CRS homes pay- 367SI nromPt fhonT ST W'rJer Ev MO 7-1878 gfW flTOedUta It Res- Rtch TE 3-34 PL 7-8S3lL LAlf front IWeriltr $13750 UN 5-5373 BEArJTTFCL MFRRTT ISLAND TTTDSVILLF COCOA AREA 100 ACTUS 1 370 F' AlA Road fronier Will Mi all or part Le than $500 per acre CTRCLI FROPERTII8 JL 9-9919 PL 9-9927 FOR aale 7' acres 79th Ar tnd 35Jh St Call Mr Pbfllo Levlne JE 1-175: SARASOTA NE 4-634 For tale 1st mortaatea 1 ACRE tract les than 1 le from causeway 520 an acre Mary Lee FR 1-7122 on new home cBi BP GOOD tpeculatinn hlah lot "-ear 51 "0C $75 month 10 interest OOLDEN BEACH OCI AN-FRONT Only 100 Ft lor tva liable ASBITRY Realtor JE 8-044 aaiie Ar Base so down 5 year by builpe HOME LOANS Buy iaild Refiaenc Inauirtts Invited Oblifatil spireer fl 1-2900 MvRRirr Itland 40 UN 6-R0C2 Ltehe-mtn mon 1-1 HI 3-5559 acre acre 5-22-37 Dade County 10 Your Credit Is Oood trith By Harbor Residential Corner 80x12' $13100 Terms 7 DUPLEX lata 71111' Con ANN BOYD REALTOR TU 8-1123 $150 000 MORTOAOE LOAN FOR 4 YEARS 12'- INTEREST Certified Bnon NER UN 4-0901 or PL 4-550' lenient local or $3 400 each Off uwner ca i-zia 1 apt in ion Tin lin 1 block Starrett COW IB AC I Fred Brhneider Al Co JE 1-7681 3 1 ic vsa ivaus: acres rnoice cleared traded Hah eievt- ttlon excellent drtintte Fttet arowlnt trea on Ihe Weal coati Less then 3 miles to finest Gulf Beaches shoopint center pew hlth BUSINESS FRONTAGE ACRE lols omoleie with from Lincoln Rd For aale or plant Owner will eukorthnaie lea Owner UN 4-1147 units can pnipps orri Realtor unl" HI 4-4972 HI 3-7757 $4100 7 2ND or 8 CBS discount private FR 9-0178 St'FtFBIDE Try choice lot wall nn arh a tcnooi PA'eo cross-sitAie nifhwav ruttntyi ham hnua 'em Mart 0057 IDEAL loct ttrly Ltea Paid It Itlem op Prtt tnd hTf rrrx- re 7CA ti Term Writ toaay rierttd nrk a'aMeV 7M' Oca- Tii ePJ iivd 8araota Fla Fhet tccesa KT --wu Garland Ave only olt tt i W'tnty i Coral Way Corner FEW corners pntaess nd are lea I--- -r I Vevi I lw Le i'ii-ri wbb "nr- owner i-nnne MI acnnr n- wo 7-noAr s- s- Construction Lotna Neded In $6 000 Amo-in-a lt Mortttte it Security 4 Momh to 1 Vr FuBd Dine-sed By Title Company lOO'- Mfgyt Mr Ltebermtn FN 800r Good loterest tnd Bocus rounded by such tetmint deienptnt mtrklnt 'his populace comer of treat tfc 5tfH tlJBB $lfi at $35M $IP AA immeaitte neoo tnit vary ac- rnTj- WATFRFRONT on Rts-0 Al'o If- tlva area for small buslnnset 'i'Ll iU' tl a a ANCH $3177 $4i II $4454 tn at a1 $11 5159 $3311 $41 Jl toned for tervlc tation Etc As- LAW MM 5 we 1589 Jo Dp 7 55? sure yourself of tnmorrows nroft- to i a ttCi Vi- ffiWJ' fe aa ii ii e- I I I sieno iniai uvuip 1tT WTLL tell my T74 2nd mor'tatf IFF OR CALL BY-RON gPIFi-i- 5 1 LL it v- mtm on 06 hhwty Banf EriLDFR- SPvrni-ATORS WE 10 teres plinted trait Aae 81 I-4A3I Ilk trad J3JlSiZr OlLBEHT CHAPllN JE 8-734 GRAB tret 4 idea: Apt utat or eBS iumm i CPS Bom pfvtr HI 6-''8 FR 3-503 99 Tar lAssehoid Netr ocetn sb- a AfythUia Apu will rent tnd locAted te Orltndo CENTRALLY F'ftrtCa "hen completed ca i 'e-ep i s-s-'s- a pr dtiryiat wuhln 2 mlltt of thriv-int city Owner forced to needt cash Call Mr Paa- toriu orn PTtv 214 Shoreland Bldt FR 9-4721 M0NET TO 10B 2JS- IM MONET TO LOAN rr irn't i ai i ire nusimiajB cuiiiaujf occupied R-l TOT 75x100 cleared and turieyed FHA approved rlote thons No Brokers $4-200 0net MO 1-2421 rr yr-K A I tttll aa en heavily traveled rut-i iiiiii vMutj MS jref jjn populated FREE county acreaat map FP EE Naple c'eae Nea FRFF tp oui cllen's copy of $2 50 book Makint TT' 111 Wah As Realtor JE 8-7'74 are one store occupied oy riwn- CHOICI residential lot la San well asttblithec Dry Cletnint Souci Ftts Owner rAI I I A nOAl I Pi Business 01 18 years tn same loce- PL9-C789 PAL MAKnUUK ino tfr duplex fram hoaaa to I I l- "L'Ny-'l rilpes foroe owner to tacri- DON'T KILL YOUR HUSBAND flee huldint income and LET him live near Ms wo BXPJtA late ot IV 175 1 Tha complete Hoffman dry a Build Tour home iB brst value iB this ins el- comeou- and pressina eoulpmen! for $15 000 BFAUTTFUL CARLII TERRACE Exrlustve IFtmf Club mem- lotal price rth or terms Kw llth Si at 2th Ave Res- herrtip reoulted Cl! Tom Wood- OArden 2-0098 or write Owner idential lot duplex lott river- snn or Charlie Church 770 Federal Avenue Orlando front attA and 3 bedroom 2 lrt- -t rWA Pnm Qih a nlra Mbiaii Wiitlr WallAr TK 1 Don't know what to do? Real Ftae" Money from Florida 1 Arrete Hedourtera 201 NW 42nd Ave Miami Iniernatlnpal Arcade Hallandala 110 Tamlami Trail Naples CLIFFORD ANDERSON Realtor 1 Le A- Co Reatort PR 1-717? 9577 Hardma Avenue Burfslde RESIDENTIAL SITES Tnriin I like Es'Afa If it's cash you NFAR Lak Wale multi-million MONET TO L04N MONET TO LOAN MONET TO 10RN need come in and see us dollar private planned country clHb developmert on a 15-ouar SNAPPER CREEK Lakes 20071 mile lak All trtet one-half acre Farina north ipabv tree Henry tlOC Fl wtd by 218 Ft Deept Berold 129 Sun! MO 1236 ''ctIaWwb hall realtor a- acrbb JF 1-1811 2379 Ave WATER available plat read to 1 to on record Priced Vie kkkkW "tfrlqtrtjYasr pr tite 79 down 10 veart on halance Call Phipps 0rrls Rel tort HI 4-4972 HI 3-775? COCOA BEACH Missile Base Area OUR STREAMLINED LOAN SERVICi IS FAST AND CONVENIENT OAKLAND PARK FRONTAOE 10 ACRES at $3000 per acre treat of Laudeedale and north of plantation 440 Ft on Oak'and Park Blvd in direct line of development Causeway Frontage 800 PIET at $175 per foot on Etu IDEAL 75 XlOff RESIDENTIAL LOT3 South of Patrick Base Block from Ocean ttreets in city wttar available ready to to At lew as $1 350 and terms 9 homes completed in tuboivisien utiM ir-ii "n'i- ft) 14V00 loon up 1 ill ante ctuitway rour miles touth of Patrick Air rermt to be arrnad Shcpptrt and trade school nearby Exctllent deal for builder or invest or THIS IS HOT! i COCOA REST nR AVT SEATS 85 Completely eeulpped full' aJr- GAC FI KT A1VC Xj A I lorrow confidently where 3 generations have borrowed NEJCT TO DEVELOPMENT 10 ACRES at $5 000 rer acre In Broward ooqnry next to devene-ment water and ewte a'ailabl riltiria nmriATtr Inln tola anil do: COR conditioned a raontv maker When toii nppd up to $fO0 bring Tour moneY $7 100 01 vour money in twa yeart eownrowTt central loco Cap halanpa ta ft a a a ART PRESENT REAL EStlTE 81 No A'lantic Coco Beach Phone 426' IN MIAMI Ml proWptYit to HFC America oldest srid largt poyisiirnPT financp rompanT Von ran take up to 24 montha to repat Ntutiktlt lift iaitrtaet ta til Ittat tnttttt trtrt ttft tt vn CALL Chuck Wiae Fort Leuder-dele JA 3-1411 ANACONDA FEALTY CO Realtor 303 IM Ola Fyjrt-Lauderdalt anevarr I PATA48NTS POI YOU GIT 24 MONTHS I 70 MONTHS It AtONTHt 1 1 taQNTHS 7300 160 00 i ioZ! n-7 16 1 423 00 24 2R33 30 69 42 50 A00OO I 34 39 39 34 3935 0USEH0LD FINANCE 258-R- BAHAMA REAL ESTRTE Bahamas Properties IOTB arra itland hornet hotel from Rimini te Nassau Asoc-tted with A Alan Millar Box 171 Nasaau Bird Realty Inc RIPE 157 ACRES ONLY 52-000 AN ACRE FRONTAGE ON HWY 441 ECTRIC watar and tewrtf availaMe ElevatioE 11 Pt all or part terms IaIIBV UPaWlt DOWNTOWN 1 22 Sheralaaet Arcada ENaaklia 1-3411 (119 E-att Flagler St Oppailta S'nterj WrST FLAGLER 1 422 Flaqer St feali 1-3415 a black tM tt A rli T-J4I- I I Hi BtALIJ 1198 Rird Rd MO As NA 1-731 259- mnnsTRiRi sites i i A attah 3422 17th Ata RJfwtaa S-2S51 MIAMI IIACH: lia Hi 163rrJ L'TTL 17 Nl 79t FLata43Sll Si Shoooiog Ciftf MONTH MIAMI IIACM-124 NI Hlrtl Wl M491 lOppotita Nlent'tit 163rd St'aat Sheepln Cntar HIlfH- Flsmtntr pl7l OKEECHOBEE Artf h'th and i It "wt a- a ii low a acr fu! CHOICE LOCATION Move tri or we pu'd 'C ft Pt I AC ei MIAMI 14 Ml htav8Piit for fltjier FRantlie 9-JJ422 COMAL SABLES MH 2nd Floor HlgtvM 4-5751 LAUDUOALE: 16 SW 2C St ovtrlutlir't JAefcstm 4-1511 H0LLYWWB-1 924-AHei'-wf3Cfi BryrJ 2nd Floor Cas- 3-15S3 I a Aat A rlala 7 ii I rUM I1D-1 HrPFTO Bf -AifW -wj-f v- xv 500 ac price 1 ral'wai A 801 1 wa'er Ihwty and Broker rood F'a TUN 7554? IC 18 FT or i 21 leuleteptl 4-t7l FAIM 12 Dttlt Hwy Ttmplt J-S747 IELI! 1t Avejiaa wrmat 8-S277 LOANS MADI TO RISI0INTS OF ALL NEARIY TOWNS to ax 9891 fr tvt 2 ies fa 'yitTtisJt tn on ci mm NErSTRIAL 2 he' -3 trt 4S14 -Th ct ICBB WILLIAMS PL 4-2093 1 tvaaii OWBXla FR 3-74'J.

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About The Miami Herald Archive

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The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)


What is the Miami Herald known for? ›

The Miami Herald, daily newspaper published in Miami, generally considered the dominant paper in southern Florida and recognized for its coverage of Latin America.

Who started the Miami Herald? ›

1903 – 1910

Frank B. Stoneman, a 45-year-old native of Indiana, moved to the fledgling City of Miami in 1903 to create The Miami Evening Record, a newspaper which would eventually become the Miami Herald.

How many readers does Miami Herald have? ›

Miami Herald
The June 13, 2016 front page of the Miami Herald, with the headline story reporting on the nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida
TypeDaily newspaper
HeadquartersPO Box 260518 Miami Fl, U.S. 33126
CountryUnited States
Circulation73,181 daily 100,598 Sunday (as of 2020)
10 more rows

Who is the editor-in-chief of the Miami Herald? ›

Alex Mena has held several leadership positions throughout his 30-plus years as a journalist. He currently serves as the Executive Editor of the Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald and as the Florida Regional Editor for McClatchy, the Herald's parent company.

What is the oldest black neighborhood in Miami? ›

Overtown, now one of the city's oldest Black American communities, easily became the “Harlem of the South.” Locals built successful shops, grocery stores, and theaters—everything they needed was nearby.

What is the oldest town in Miami? ›

Coconut Grove, also known colloquially as “The Grove,” is an affluent and the oldest continuously inhabited neighborhood of Miami in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Does the Miami Herald still exist? ›

Together, our newspapers are read each week by more than 1.5 million people in print and online at and

Who owns the Herald? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

What is the mission statement of the Miami Herald? ›

OUR MISSION: The most credible and dynamic source of news, information and innovative marketing solutions in our community.

Who is the owner of Herald newspaper? ›

National Herald
Freedom is in Peril, Defend it with All Your Might
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner(s)Associated Journals Limited, Shiva Publications
Founder(s)Jawaharlal Nehru
PublisherThe Associated Journals Limited
12 more rows

Who is the legal reporter for the Miami Herald? ›

David Ovalle covers crime and courts in Miami. A native of San Diego, he graduated from the University of Southern California and joined the Herald in 2002 as a sports reporter.

Who owns Herald Media? ›

In February 2018, acquisition of the Herald by Digital First Media for almost $12 million was approved by the bankruptcy court judge in Delaware. The new owner, DFM, said they would be keeping 175 of the approximately 240 employees the Herald had when it sought bankruptcy protection in December 2017.

Who owns the Miami Herald? ›

The Miami Herald, part of The McClatchy Company, LLC, is dedicated to serving the diverse and growing South Florida region and its people as the community's most credible and dynamic source of news, information, and advertising solutions.

What is the largest newspaper in Miami? ›

The Miami Herald Media Company is South Florida's No. 1 source for local information. Our online, print and digital products reach more than half of South Florida adults each week.

Who is the tech reporter in the Miami Herald? ›

Rob Wile covers business, tech, and the economy in South Florida. He is a graduate of Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism and Columbia University.

Miami Herald: Miami Breaking News, Sports ...Miami Herald ›

Latest Florida news covering Miami Dade, the Keys, Broward with updates on crime, business, schools, politics, sports, education and entertainment.
217K Followers, 229 Following, 6838 Posts - Miami Herald (@miamiherald) on Instagram: " Breaking news, colorful stories, striking visuals. Documenting li...
The newspaper has been awarded 19 Pulitzer Prizes since beginning publication in 1903. ... Well-known columnists are Pulitzer-winning political commentator Leon...

What are the Miami Indians known for? ›

The early Miami were known for growing a unique variety of white corn. They celebrated harvests and green corn time with feasts. Games played included the moccasin game, the double ball game, and darts.

What is Miami most known for? ›

Miami is famous for its beautiful beaches, with miles of pristine sand and crystal-clear water. It is a paradise for sun-seekers and water sports lovers. Whether you're looking to soak up the sun or dip in the ocean, Miami's beaches are the perfect place to do it. Each beach has its unique aura and atmosphere.

What is Miami Dade County known for? ›

Miami-Dade County is home to over 70 foreign consulates and trade offices and 1,100-plus multinational corporations operate here. The Port of Miami is Florida's #1 deep-water cargo container port doing business with 250 ports in 100 countries.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.